Year 1: /or/ as in four, snore
- four
- your
- court
- pour
- tour
- snore
- core
- bored
- explore
- before
Year 2: Contractions
- what’s
- that’s
- it’s
- shouldn’t
- couldn’t
- wouldn’t
- don’t
- they’d
- they’ll
- isn’t
Year 1: /or/ as in four, snore
Year 2: Contractions
At the end of each month we are going to be setting a homework task based on our Christian Value for that month. This is for you to look at, discuss and explore as a family.
As our Christian Value in November’s Worship was Love, we would like you to create a piece of work to show what love means to you and your family. This can be presented however you like and is due in on the 12th December.
We have had a busy week in Rabbit class. This week has been assessment week, the children have completed assessments in Reading, Writing, Maths, Grammar & Spelling. They have all worked so hard and tried their best, which is all that matters!
Check out some of the fabulous independent writing that took place this week based on Lily and The Snowman
Lily and The Snowman – Writing Inspiration
We have also started our new Geography topic on ‘Hot and Cold Places’. We looked through the knowledge organiser together to see what we would be learning about and any important vocabulary we might need to help us over the next few weeks. You can find all this term’s knowledge organisers on the Rabbits Class Information Page.
We learned about the equator and that the countries on or closest to the equator receive the most energy from the sun so are the hottest countries in the world. We then decided that the coldest places in the world must be furthest away from the equator, and located the Arctic and Antarctica on the globe.
In Science we have been learning about the weather. We talked about the different types of weather and what symbols are used to represent them. We acted out the different weather types. We then described pictures using symbols and words.
In RE we have been thinking about why Christmas is important to Christians. This week we thought about why light is important to Christians at Christmas time. We learned that Christians believe that lights represent the Star of Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born, that Jesus always brings light in the darkest of times and that light reminds Christians to spread goodness to each other.
We have ended the week with another PE lesson, this half term our focus is dance. Today we have been practising moving in a controlled way, and developing our coordination when turning. Our dance this week is based on The Great Fire of London – can you guess which part we are creating our dance about?
Our Nativity practise is well under way! The children have been busy learning the songs (and actions) and already know most of them off by heart. You will find the lyrics coming home soon – be warned they’re very catchy! If your child has a speaking part they will be bringing their lines home to practice.
I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about what we got up to this week, we’ve got another busy week planned next week – including ‘No Pens Day’ on Wednesday!
This week we enjoyed the snow at forest school. Kris showed us the badger setts and told us about the animals that hibernate during the winter. It was rather chilly, so we enjoyed our hot chocolate and campfire even more than normal!
Today we were busy building and repairing dens at Forest School. We had to work as a team to move logs and large sticks. We also looked for sweet chestnuts so that we can cook and eat them in a few weeks, but we think the squirrels have had the best ones! Lastly we learnt how to light the campfire safely using flint and steel.
This week is Arts week. Our theme this year is ‘All things British’. In Rabbits we are learning all about different British artists. The first artist we have looked at is Howard Hodgkin. He is an abstract artist. He paints shapes in bright colours. His work is called ‘abstract’ because it shows feelings rather than being a painting of exactly how something looks. We thought about how using different colours can convey different meanings.
Our first task was to choose water colours that we thought were warm:
Then we had to chop our warm paintings up into different shapes:
Finally we had to stick our cut up pieces in our art books to make an abstract ‘cut up’ painting. We spend time looking at each other’s artwork to see what we could see, from rainforests to frazzles crisps!
Hello Rabbits Class, I hope you’ve had a brilliant Easter holidays and that you are ready and raring to come back to school. I loved hearing all the things you got up to in the holidays today.
Our topic this term is ‘Beside the Seaside’. Click on the link below to find out about all the things we will be learning about this term.
Here is our timetable for the Summer term. We will have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays so please come to school in PE kit on those days. On Fridays we will be going swimming, so you need to come to school with your swimming kit in a bag. Year 1s you will be going to Forest School on a Tuesday afternoon so will need to come to school in your Forest School clothes on Tuesdays.
If you have any questions or queries please email me or catch me on the gate.
Miss Horton 🙂
We have had a fantastic day in Rabbits celebrating all things books! We took part in ‘The Great World Book Day Draw-Along with Swapna Haddow and Sheena Dempsee’ and we drew some very impressive pigeons!
Then we had a workshop with the children’s author Teresa Heapy. She read us some of her wonderful stories and we got to create our own characters for stories we are going to be writing soon.
Our costumes were all fantastic, and we had great fun sharing stories and talking about our favourite books!
In Computing this term we will be looking at robots and how we make them move. Today we learnt about commands and what outcome a command has on a device. We had lots of fun trying to make our robots move in the direction we wanted them to!
We have had a lovely first week back in Rabbit class. I think we were all ready for the weekend though!
I hope you all received your paper copy of our topic overview for this term earlier this week. You can also find an electronic copy of our overview in the Rabbits class page on the website. As per the letter attached to the overview, I have attached the knowledge organisers for our subjects for the Spring term. The knowledge organisers will tell you what the children will be learning and some key vocabulary they will encounter this term. I hope you find these helpful, please let me know if there is anything you would like to discuss.
Geography – Spring – Amazing Africa
Science -Spring – Y1 Materials
Science – Spring – Materials Y2
History – Spring – Charles Darwin
RE – Spring – Who is Jewish and how do they live D
Computing – Spring – Programming
Computing – Spring – Privacy & Security