Rabbits Weekly Round-Up – 10.1.25

A happy new year to you all! It’s been lovely hearing about all the exciting things everyone got up to in the Christmas holidays. The children have worked really hard this week and it’s been fab to see what a positive attitude they have all come back to school with.

Here is what we’ve been getting up to…

Our book this half term is ‘The Dragon Machine’. We looked at some pictures from the story and then made predictions on what we thought was going to happen. We have also done some independent writing this week, we had to write a story that had a dragon in it! We loved using our imaginations to create our own stories!

In Maths, the Year 1s have been looking at numbers 0-20. This week we have focussed on identifying representations of 10, 11, 12 and 13. The Year 2s have been learning about money, we have counted money in pence, pounds and a combination of both!

In RE this term we are learning about ‘Who is Jewish and how do they live?’. This week we thought about ‘What is Judaism?’. We learnt about different objects that are special to Jewish people and how Judaism is similar/different to Christianity.

In PSHE this term we are thinking about living in the wider world. This week we thought about families, we looked at some families from around the world and how they are similar and different to our own. We all agreed that all families should love and care for each other. We thought about the ways that we show how we love and care for the special people in our lives.



Weekly Celebrations – 10.1.25

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassador(earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 Alejandro for ‘Tolerance’, ‘Friendship’ and ‘Respect’ – Alejandro has settled in so fast to life at Ruyton. He has worked hard in class, showing readiness and respect in all lessons. He has enjoyed making friends at breaktimes while playing football. Well done!

Year 5 Layla for ‘Perseverance’  – Layla puts a lot of effort into class work. She is a creative writer, coming up with good story ideas and is working hard to improve in Maths. Keep this up Layla!

Year 4 Blake for ‘Friendship’, ‘Love’  and ‘Wisdom’ – This week Blake has shown kindness and great friendship in helping others as well as working hard in all aspects of the curriculum. Well done Blake!

Year 3 Seren for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Seren is a hard working member of Dragonfly class, this week Seren has worked especially hard to improve her handwriting. Keep up the hard work Seren!

Year 2 Delilah for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Hope’ – Delilah has produced some fantastic independent writing this week. She is staying focussed and putting a lot of effort into making sure her writing is neat.

Year 1 Oakley for ‘Respect’, ‘Love’ and ‘Perseverance’ – Oakley has come back to school with a fantastic attitude to learning. He always tries his best and is a pleasure to have in class.

Reception Rupert for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – For excellent writing about a fox and keeping going with his excellent fox picture even though it took a long time!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)


Congratulations to the following Golden Book winners (from class work and stars)

Evie and Tommy


Plant Hunting in Dragonfly class

On Thursday we channelled our inner Plant Hunter and went searching and identifying different plants around the school. We tried our best to use knowledge of plants we already knew of as well as discovering new plants we hadn’t seen before! We then tried to decide if the plant was Native or Non Native the UK. Finally, when back in the classroom we learned all about famous plant hunters who job it is to introduce new plants to the UK from other countries.

Spring Term in Dragonfly class

Happy New Year!

Welcome back Dragonflies I hope you all had a lovely break over Christmas and the New Year!

Our topic this term is Rivers and Canals – have a look at our Topic web to see what we will be learning about this term. spring 2025 Topic planner Dragonfly class

Below is our timetable to see what we’ll be getting up to each day!

Dragonflies timetable spring

We will continue to have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays this term so please come in the appropriate PE kit for those days.

Home work will continue to be given out on Wednesdays and is expected to be handed in the following Wednesdays when we will also have our spelling test.

Please find the knowledge organisers for subjects this term in the document below.  The knowledge organisers will tell you what the children will be learning and some key vocabulary they will encounter this term. I hope you find these helpful!

Dragonfly class spring Knowledge organisers

Feel free to catch me on the gate if you have any questions or queries!


Miss Hindley