Christmas is well underway at Ruyton! A HUGE well done to Owls for their amazing effort towards Aladdin Trouble this week and Dragonflies for their singing support – you can catch up with some updates here:
Aladdin Trouble – photos
Then on Wednesday we were lucky enough to visit Theatre Severn to see Jack and the Beanstalk! We had a fabulous time – a huge thank you to the Friends of Ruyton for raising the money for tickets to enable all our children to enjoy such a wonderful, festive experience!
Jack & the Beanstalk
Just our Christmas Parties to enjoy on Friday afternoon! Don’t forget: the Christingle Service is being held on the afternoon of Monday 18th whilst the Mince Pie Concert is on the afternoon of Wednesday 20th. Our last day of school is Thursday with a non-uniform day for all!
Congratulations to the following Golden Book winners (from class work and stars):
1st Golden Book Award: Brooke, Matilda
4th Award: Jackson
11th Award: Amber & Amelia
16th Award: Skyler
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 – Alice for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Trust’ – For being an amazing friend in her help to others during the Christmas Production AN learning extra lines ‘just in case’!

Year 5 Percy for ‘Hope’, ‘Trust’ and ‘Respect’: Percy played a wonderful Widow Twankey and worked really hard to learn his lines and develop his acting skills to show off his character!

Year 4 Sam for ‘Friendship’: For working hard in all his work and focusing well in Geography.

Year 3 Oscar for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’: For producing some great writing this week and working with such enthusiasm.

Year 2 Seren for ALL our School Values!: Seren consistently shows ALL our school values in all aspects of school life – she is a lovely friend, fantastic learner and an asset to our school. Well done Seren!

Year 1 Jackson for ‘Love’, ‘Hope’ and ‘Respect’: Jackson always brightens up Miss Horton’s day. His beaming smile and attitude to learning are fantastic!

Reception Harrison for ‘perseverance’ and ‘wisdom’: For being ambitious with your writing and using your phonics knowledge well!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Plus an extra winner for Dragonflies class as they had the most tickets this week, and also for being the superstars of Worship this week 👏

Congratulations to all our winners this week!
Other celebrations:
Hallie earned a first prize and these fabulous glasses at Gym Club this week!
Eleni has earned these badges in her Rainbows for their ‘looking after cats and kittens’ project with Cat Rescue and also for Gardening skills!

Thalia created this amazing painted skill at an art club she attended…

Whilst Freddie has been super-busy in the pool, earning his Learn to Swim Level 1!

Finally, Magnus shared this BLUE PETER BADGE! He got the award through writing about his passion for fishing (whilst Zander wrote about motorbikes). This is incredible Magnus!