Weekly School Newsletter
Weekly Celebrations 13.9.24
We’ve had a brilliant Roald Dahl Day today, it’s been great to see all the children sharing and enjoying lots of stories!
Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Tilly for ‘Respect’ – Tilly is always ready to learn. She embodies our school values well everyday and is a role model to the younger children at our school. Well done Tilly!
Year 5 Lucy for ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Lucy has adjusted to Year 5 effortlessly, demonstrating high standards of work, presentation and behaviour. Well done Lucy!
Year 4 Sky for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Sky has really improved her confidence in Maths and is confidently putting her hand up to answer and challenging herself. Well done Sky!
Year 3 Millie for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Millie has tried her hardest in everything this week – even when things got tough, she persevered!
Year 2 Grayson for ‘Trust’ and ‘Wisdom’: Grayson is growing in confidence everyday. I have been impressed with his positive attitude to learning. You make us very proud Grayson – Well done!
Year 1 Harriet for ‘Love’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Harriet is a delight to have in class – she is kind, helpful and approaches everything with a positive attitude. Great work Harriet, keep it up!
Reception Rupert for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Respect’ – for a super start to Reception. You have been amazing in class and are a lovely friend to everyone!
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Other achievements…
Harrison has achieved lots in his swimming this week, he brought in THREE certificates to show us – great work Harrison, keep it up!
Congratulations to all our winners this week!
Weekly Celebrations 6/9/24
What a fantastic first week back at school we’ve had, it’s been lovely to welcome our new reception children into school and to see how well everyone is adjusting to their new classes!
Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Bella for ‘Friendship’, ‘Love’ and ‘Respect’ – Bella has shown brilliant maturity and has continued her excellent standards of behaviour in her move to Year 6. Bella, you are a lovely member of Owl Class!
Year 5 Evie for ‘Tolerance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – for adjusting tremendously to life in Owl Class, providing brilliant answers to questions and showing a fantastic overall attitude. Well done Evie!
Year 4 Emelia for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – this week Emelia has really impressed Miss Hindley and has improved her independence when completing her work.
Year 3 Nancy for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Nancy has settled into Dragonflies fantastically and has given her all in everything she has done!
Year 2 Alfie for ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’: Alfie has been a super role model to the younger children who have joined our class – what a mature and sensible Year 2 you have become!
Year 1 Elsie for ‘Trust’ – Elsie has settled so well into Rabbit Class, she has started everyday with a positive attitude – she is a pleasure to teach!
Reception Arthur for ‘Perseverance’ – for not giving up and keeping going until he’s finished his learning.
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Other achievements…
Aoife has received a trophy from her drama group “The Phoenix Academy’, she has been working really hard and has even been performing in Theatre Severn!
Hallie has received her level 5 swimming certifcate, she told us that the forward somersault and treading water were the trickiest bits to master! Good luck in stage 6.
Congratulations to all our winners this week!
Dates for your diary:
- Roald Dahl Day – Friday 13th September
Welcome to Hedgehog Class!
We extend a very warm welcome to all of our new Reception children starting in Hedgehog Class this week! We hope that you’ve all had a lovely summer and are ready for an exciting Autumn Term!
Please see the Hedgehog Class information page for information regarding what the children will be learning this term as well as a copy of our general class timetable.
Please note that PE day is Monday and forest school day is Tuesday. Therefore, the children should come to school dressed accordingly on these days.
Please click the link below to view our class newsletter for further information.
September 2024 newsletter for parents
We are really looking forward to getting to know you all!
Mrs Farmer & Mrs Gregory
Y6 leavers trip – Hollywood Bowl
What a great time we had at Hollywood Bowl to celebrate our lovely Y6 leavers’ time at Ruyton school. Lots of fun and lots of competitiveness!
Forest School – Owl Class
Owls had their final forest school session yesterday (Y6s last ever!). It was lovely to see the class enjoying their last week here and they learnt all about decomposition and how to look after natural materials better through recycling.
Funfest 2024
We had another fantastic Funfest on Saturday, and the sun even decided to shine on us too! It was lovely to see parents, children and members of the community supporting our school.
A massive thankyou to our friends for all their hard work, dedication and organisation which makes the event such a success. Thankyou January, Marianna, Amy, Anna, DJ, Donna, Jen, Karen, Rose and Zoe.
We managed to raise a staggering £3226.49, thankyou to everyone who came along and supported us!
Weekly Celebrations 12.7.24
Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Matilda for ‘Wisdom’ and ‘Respect’ – Tilly has been a joy to teach this week. She has shared fantastic ideas about the story of Macbeth.
Year 5 Millie for ‘Wisdom’ – Millie produces incredible writing at Y5 level. She is always willing to read out her work. Well done Millie.
Year 4 Jamie for ‘Hope’ and ‘Trust’ – for overcoming his fears om the music assembly, well done Jamie!
Year 3 Charlie for ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’ – for sharing some fantastic ideas in our Geography debate – well done Charlie!
Year 2 Dougie for showing ALL of our school values: Dougie is such an asset to our school. He always works hard, he is kind, fair and a fantastic friend to everyone! Well done Dougie – you are very special.
Year 1 Imogen for ‘Love’ ‘Friendship’ and ‘Respect – Imogen’s cheeky smile and infectious laugh brighten up our classroom. She is a joy to be around and shows love, friendship and respect everyday!
Reception Lottie for ‘Love’, ‘Trust’ and ‘Friendship’ – Lottie is always kind, caring and thoughtful. She is a brilliant friend to everyone she meets.
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Golden Book Certificates
Congratulations to the following Golden Book winners (from class work and stars)
Lucy, Archie, Thalia, Beau, Magnus, Otto, Sam, Laila, Blake, Liz, Memphis, James, Harriet, Cordelia, Oakley, Elsie, Jasmine, Harrison, Lottie and Cody
Other achievements…
Brooke, Sophia, Amelia, Lylah, Elsie, Charley, Harry, Percy, Jackson and Eva took part in a KS2 rounders tournament this week and came third! A fantastic achievement.
Lottie has received a certificate for her fantastic effort and continued improvement in gymnastics. Well done Lottie!
Nancy has recently started at a football club, on her first week she managed to receive this medal for her fantastic effort and participation!
Aoife and Lexi have been playing football for a few months now and have received awards for their dedication, perseverance and effort. It’s lovely to hear how much your confidence is growing girls!
Seren has received her level 5 swimming certifcate, she told us that the forward somersault and treading water were the trickiest bits to master! Good luck in stage 6.
Congratulations to all our winners this week!
Dates for your diary
- Year 6 Leavers Trip – Tuesday 16th July PM
- Sports Day – Wednesday 17th July (Thursday 18th July reserve date)
- Leavers assembly – Friday 19th July 2pm