In our computing unit this term, owls have been learning how to control variables within a computer game. We use a software called Scratch which allows you to code variables into a game. Owls began today’s lesson by showing their understanding of how numbers and items work together and must both be inputted in order for the variables to work.
Weekly School Newsletter
Online Safety Information Session for Parents
Parent/Carer information session
Spring: Wednesday 29th January 2025 – 9.30am – 10.15am
A link will be sent out and shared on the website when we receive it next week.
Owl Class Book publication – The Magical Map
A few months ago, Owls completed a 100 word story using their own imagination. They were told that there is a chance their stories will be chosen for publication into the book named ‘The Magical Map’. This week, we received some fantastic news. It was decided that lots of the pieces have been chosen to be published! Letters have gone home to parents to explain further details, but if anyone has any other questions then please speak to Mr Arthur directly or via the school.
We celebrated the news by handing the certificates out as well as some bookmarks and stickers. Brilliant work everyone!
Andy Goldsworthy Inspired Frozen Art
This week we have been looking at art by Andy Goldsworthy including sculptures using ice. We used a range of natural materials and water to create images and then left them outside overnight to freeze. We are very pleased with our final pieces of frozen artwork.
Owls – Shropshire Landscapes
To begin our art unit for this term, and to round off a brilliant first week back of 2025, Owls have started to practice sketching some landscapes of their choice around Shropshire from a range of samples.
Winter Hunt!
In Hedgehogs we are learning all about Winter. We have been for a winter walk around school to spot signs of winter in our environment. We found ice on frozen puddles, frozen plants, catkins and frosty fences. We also talked about how the grass was crunchy under our feet and that we could see our breath!
Rabbits Weekly Round-Up – 13.12.24
Wow – what a week! I think we are a tired bunch of Rabbits today. We started the week on a high with our performance of Barmy Bethlehem. I was so proud of how well the children remembered their lines, all the words to the songs and how brave they were to perform in front of such a big audience!
In English this week we have finished reading ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. We have been thinking about everything Plop has learned about the dark from the different characters in the story. We wrote in character as Plop and wrote a letter to his baby cousin Brownie. The children had to think about how we set out a letter and how to use descriptive language to describe what the dark is like.
In Maths we have been continuing our work on shape. Year 1s have been recognising and drawing 2D shapes and Year 2s have been counting vertices on 2D shapes.
In RE this week we have been thinking about ‘What is Advent?’. We talked about how Christians believe that advent is about preparing for the birth of baby Jesus. We discussed how Christians will have an advent wreath with 5 candles. We learnt what these candles represent and we created our own advent wreaths.
In PE this week, we have moved onto looking at attacking and defending. On Friday we practised passing and stopping in hockey. We then put our skills into practice by dribbling the ball and shooting to try and score. We had to concentrate to keep control of the ball!
Our school value of the month for last month was Love. At the end of every month we will be setting a homework based on our value. Rabbit class have produced some lovely work that shows us what love means to them and their families.
We have a very festive week ahead of us. We are going to the church on Monday for the Christingle service. On Tuesday it is Christmas jumper and Christmas dinner day! On Wednesday it is the mince pie concert. On Thursday we are having our Christmas party and on Friday it is the last day of term – woohoo!
Weekly Celebrations – 13.12.24
Here are this week’s awards…
Weekly Celebrations
School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):
Year 6 Charley for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Charley made a very appealing and functional phone case in DT this week. She persisted with the task after finding it tricky at first but ensuring she stuck to the design. Well done!
Year 5 Lucy for ALL of our school values! – Lucy is a superstar. She is a lovely, kind, hard-working member of Owl Class. She quietly gets on through every school day with 100% effort. She is a brilliant friend to everyone and embodies every school value.
Year 4 Oscar for ‘Friendship’, ‘Respect’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Oscar is a fantastic member of Dragonfly class. He is always on task, listening and eager to help others. Well done!
Year 2 Freddie for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Freddie has matured into a hard-working, conscientious Year 2. He takes great pride in his handwriting now. Keep up the hard work Freddie!
Year 1 Harriet for ‘Respect’ – Harriet is a super sensible member of Rabbit Class. She always follows our class rules and she is a fantastic role model to others. Well done Harriet!
Reception Kirra for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Kirra has been trying incredibly hard in all her learning and has been able to do fabulous independent writing this week.
Bumblebees Benjamin for showing ‘Respect’ and ‘Perseverance’ – Ben works hard to show respect to his peers and perseverance in all new things. Keep up the good work Ben!
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Congratulations to the following Golden Book winners (from class work and stars)
Oscar, Olly, Laith, Darcy, Rupert, Thalia, Millie, Charley & Tilly
Other achievements…
Hallie has brought in her Rainbows sash with all the badges she has earned – she could remember everything she had to do to achieve them. Great job Hallie!
Freddie has achieved her Level 2 Learn to Swim certificate. Well done Freddie!
Barmy Bethlehem!
The children from Rabbit and Hedgehog class performed our nativity ‘Barmy Bethlehem’ yesterday. They did a fantastic job! They have spent a lot of time in (and out!) of school practising the words and lines to put on an excellent show for you. Well done, we are all very proud of you.
Thank you to everyone who came to watch, has helped learn lines and has had the nativity songs stuck in their heads since November! We really appreciate your support.
Another thankyou to our wonderful Friends who provided refreshments for both performances and to those who donated, we raised a whopping £237.75!
Owl Class visit to Shropshire Hills
Owl Class had a great time at Shropshire Hills on Friday. This time, the visit was centred around ‘Thinking Like Darwin’. The children understood how fossils were discovered, and got to make their own. They also learnt how different birds’ beaks suit different foods, therefore the more dominant species survived. We looked at the mammoth in the exhibition and Owls demonstrated great knowledge to share how they understood that elephants have evolved from them. Overall, the class were well behaved but showed lots of enthusiasm too.