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Arts Week in Bumblebees

We have had so much fun in Bumblebees this week.

We have explored and celebrated all things Mexico!
We’ve danced our socks off and learnt the Mexican Hat Dance, tried Mexican food, made Tacos with Hedgehog Class, made our own Maracas, created some large scale art in the garden using the colours of the Mexican flag, decorated some Calavera’s with fluorescent sand and made some Mexican Bunting.

PHEW! What a week Bumblebees!

The Story of Easter

Some of the Bumblebees have been learning about how and why Christians celebrate Easter. We read The Story of Easter and then the children re-enacted the story using our loose parts and small world people. The children made a cross and a cave using wooden sticks, shells, stones and wood.

The children were able to retell the story of Easter using the small world people.

Freddie ‘Jesus had lots of friends.’
Nancy ‘Some bad men put Jesus on a cross because they thought he did bad things.’
Julian ‘He sad.’
Laith ‘The bad men put nails in his hands and feet to make him stay on the cross.’
Alfie ‘Jesus died on the cross.’
Rosie ‘ Some men carried Jesus to a cave.’
Tommy ‘They put a rock in front of the cave.’
Phoenix ‘Mary went to the cave and saw a man.’
Ethan ‘Jesus said ‘I am alive again.”

Weekly Celebrations – 26th January

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassadors (earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 – Brooke for ‘Perseverance’  – For making a great effort towards improving writing!

Year 5 Sophia for ‘Perseverance’: Sophia has  been working really hard on her writing and has transformed her work lately. Well done Sophia!

Year 4 Emilia for ‘Perseverance and Friendship’ : Emilia shows perseverance in all her work and has been a great team player!

Year 3 Emilia for ‘Friendship and Love’: For being a fantastic and caring friend on our Young Voices trip. She had an amazing time singing and dancing!

Year 2 Aoife for Perseverance and Wisdom!: Aoife is a STAR! She always tries her best, she wants to do her very best and takes pride in everything she does. you’re amazing Aoife!

Year 1 Freddie for Perseverance and Wisdom : Freddie is becoming a fantastic writer! He has brilliant ideas and is taking pride in his work – well done for your hard work in handwriting too!

Reception Harrison for ‘perseverance’ and ‘wisdom’ : Harrison has worked really hard to complete his homework and spellings. He has a super attitude to learning, well done Harrison!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Out of school awards…

Laurie has achieved his Level 2 Learn to Swim! We’re really proud of you Laurie and can’t wait to see you in action for summer swimming lessons!

Layla brought in her sash from Brownies for us all to see – very inspiring Layla, thank you.

Millie showed us her playscript for a play she is taking part in with her theatre group, Stage Coach. Good luck Millie!

Congratulations to all our winners this week!


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