The Story of Easter

Some of the Bumblebees have been learning about how and why Christians celebrate Easter. We read The Story of Easter and then the children re-enacted the story using our loose parts and small world people. The children made a cross and a cave using wooden sticks, shells, stones and wood.

The children were able to retell the story of Easter using the small world people.

Freddie ‘Jesus had lots of friends.’
Nancy ‘Some bad men put Jesus on a cross because they thought he did bad things.’
Julian ‘He sad.’
Laith ‘The bad men put nails in his hands and feet to make him stay on the cross.’
Alfie ‘Jesus died on the cross.’
Rosie ‘ Some men carried Jesus to a cave.’
Tommy ‘They put a rock in front of the cave.’
Phoenix ‘Mary went to the cave and saw a man.’
Ethan ‘Jesus said ‘I am alive again.”