Homework 29/1/25

Please continue to practise your times tables on TTRockstars and the Multiplication check website.

Environmental Warriors presented to us this week all about the ‘RSPB Big Bird Watch’. They want to try and encourage more birds around our school grounds. To help with this you have been set the challenge to try and make a bird feeder that we can hang up outside school to attract birds!

Below are some idea’s for inspiration!


Toilet Roll Bird Feeder

Pine Cone Bird Feeder

Pipe Cleaner Bird Feeder

Weekly Celebrations – 24.1.25

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassador(earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 Sophia for ‘Love’, ‘Friendship’ and ‘Respect’ – Sophia is always commended by staff for how helpful she is. She doesn’t have to be asked, showing a lovely and hard-working attitude every school day. Well done Sophia!

Year 5 Thalia for ‘Perseverance’  – Thalia has been persevering so well with her Maths this week. She enjoys having support from staff and peers, but is also trying to give questions a go first. Keep this up Thalia!

Year 4 Oscar for ‘Wisdom’ and ‘Perseverance’ – Oscar takes great pride in his work, he has recently been working really hard on his handwriting and it is looking beautiful!

Year 3 Aoife for ‘Wisdom’  – Aoife has written several beautiful pieces of information text this week. Aoife always takes great pride in her work and is working particularly hard to improve her handwriting. Well done Aoife!

Year 2 Eleni for ‘Hope’ and ‘Love’ – Eleni has had a positive attitude to all areas of school life this week. She is trying so hard and is producing fantastic work!

Reception Isla for ‘Perseverance’ – Isla always tries her very best in all she does and never gives up!

Bumblebees Indiana for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Respect‘ – for showing respect to her peers all of them time.

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Reading Champions

Congratulations to the Alfie & Lottie who have read at home 100 times!

Congratulations to Grayson who has read at home 200 times!!!

Other Achievements…

Kirra has completed her ‘Stage 1 Learn to Swim’ certificate and badge – well done!

Althea has received this trophy for excellent effort with her street dance lessons – brilliant!



Homework 8/1/25

Year 3 -Please complete times table sheet that is in your homework book.

Year 4 please take the times table practise test everyday on https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/ and record your results

Year 4 spellings












year 3 spellings











RE – The Story of Palm Sunday

In RE this half term we are thinking about ‘Why is Easter important to Christians?’. This week we have been learning about the story of Palm Sunday and what the word Salvation means. We acted out the story in groups and thought about how it links to salvation.

Tennis Festival @ Shrewsbury Club

A group of Year 5/6 children who participated in tennis clubs last year were given the opportunity to attend a tennis festival at The Shrewsbury Club. Not only did they get the chance to play tennis, they were also able to watch some of the women’s tennis championships that were taking place at the venue last week. in fact, last year the Wimbledon women’s winner played at the Shrewsbury event so fingers crossed the same happens this year! A special thank you to Mr Aspinall for giving up his time to support the trip for the day. They had a brilliant time!