Rabbits – Home Learning Friday 10th July

Good Morning Rabbits

I’m in a silly sort of mood today – the last Friday that we will have of this school year!

To wake you all up – here is a VERY SILLY clapping and actions activity – I am picturing you all doing this at home – and looking quite daft!

Well – Did you manage to do it?  Did you look really silly?  I hope you are laughing now.

Spellings:  For your spelling words today – can you please have a go at writing them out in their pairs?  Kneel and Knelt, Feel and Felt etc.  See if you can remember the pair word when you have written the first one.  Calf and ……  Half and …….

Maths:  I am aware of how much ‘screen time’ you are going to have so please do just a few minutes of the maths games before taking a break to do something else – then return to the maths later.


PSHE:  to give you a break from ‘screening’ I have a colouring activity for you.  This is part of our PSHE on keeping you feeling well, relaxed and positive.  You can use any colours – pencils, paint, pen and it is for you to spend as long as you wish colouring the mandala.

colouring mandala

Music:  here is the music link for your lesson today from Mrs Hindson.

Music for home schooling WB July 6th

I hope you all have a lovely Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Cooke.


Rabbits Home Learning for Wednesday 8th July

Good Morning Rabbits

We will carry on with our Pollution Project today.  I also have some maths tasks and games for you to work on.

To begin:  Spellings:  you had some spelling words this week that are either plural (more than one of the thing) or past tense (doing something in the past) .  Please write out a sentence for each of the words and make sure you are using the correct tense.

Maths:  you have been looking at using your maths brains to solve problems.  Today, I would like you to access Oxford Owl  and do some maths on line – please check in with your year group.  There are on line games relating to adding, shape and missing numbers.  Pick two games that look interesting.


English:  I have a few grammar exercises for you to do first.  You need to click the link and complete the sheets.


Today, I am going to re-visit the Literacy Shed for another lovely little film that you will uses as writing inspiration.  The film deals with our topic this week.


This lovely little film relates to our attitudes about pollution.

Task 1:  Write down a bullet point list of the things that the girl finds in the film.

Task 2:  Write down a bullet point list of the things that she gets out of her bag.

Task 3: Draw a picture of one of the scenes that you particularly liked.  This might show something that the girl did, or something magical that her bag was able to do.

Topic:  Making a swap for the amount of plastic you use is a bit of a challenge.  Can you have a think about what you use – and you cannot live without – but that comes in plastic wrappers, containers or protection.  Here are some things

Milk, juice, water, eggs, fruit,

lego, toys, dolls, x box

What else can you think of?   My children would not be happy if I said they cannot have an X Box game (that comes in a plastic case) or lego (which is entirely plastic).  We can’t do without it – but what can we do to avoid pollution?

Make a list of the things that you CAN replace and those that you can’t.

I now buy my eggs with paper based cases not plastic – what other changes can you make?

Now for your challenge:  You are going to invent a way to wrap and present your favourite toy or game and NOT USE PLASTIC.

You can use – Glass, Rubber, Paper, Card, Cloth, Cotton or any other material that is natural (such as leaves or bark).

Draw your designs or describe them and how you would package the toy using no plastic at all.


I hope you have a fun thinking about this!


Mrs Cooke





Dragonfly Class – Thursday 2nd July

Hi everyone!

It’s music lessons with Mrs Hindson today – look out for the link below to see what lesson she has in store for you! We had great fun doing it in our Bubble Group last week… Archie gave it full beans!

  1. SpellingsThis week’s lists are on the links below. Challenge: If you’re feeling confident on these, practise your Year 3/4 Spelling list (of approx 100 words in your Home Learning pack). 

Year 3 Spellings

Year 4 Spellings

Year 5 Spellings

2. Maths: White Rose Maths links can be found below. I’ve also added a block of work on My Maths for those of you who enjoy it too. Remember to watch the video and learn first!

Year 3

Year-3 Video Links


Y3 Lesson 4 Answers – Telling the time to 5 minutes

Y3 Lesson 4 – Telling the time to 5 minutes

Year 4

Year-4 Video Links


Y4 Lesson 4 Answers – Line graphs

Y4 Lesson 4 – Line graphs

Year 5

Year-5 Video Links

Y5 Lesson 4 Answers – Calculating angles around a point

Y5 Lesson 4 – Calculating angles around a point

3. Reading: Check out this list of ‘best books’ to read for your age group – how many have you completed?

Book Trust 100 best books

4. English: Two options…

1) Find today’s Bitesize activity

2) Follow the link below for Lesson 4/5 of the Oak Academy lessons this week.

SPAG Focus Lesson 4

Other ideas:

Here is Mrs Hindson’s weekly schedule for Music:

Have a fabulous Thursday!


Miss you all,

Miss Whit xx

Hedgehog children in school – English 1st July 2020

The children in Blue and Yellow Bubbles at school have been doing different English tasks to the children at home this week.

Blue Bubble (with Mrs Johnson) can find today’s home learning for English here Oliver’s Vegetables Home Learning Challenge.

Yellow Bubble (with Mrs Mukhopadhyay) will have brought the sheets home with them yesterday that they will need today.

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Rabbits Home Learning for Wednesday 1st July

Good Morning Rabbits – Happy Middle of the Week Day!

Today we will continue the writing task based on the short film – Little Boat.

We will have a look at the maths that are set on Bitesize and do some more reading from the short stories that I found on line.

Grammar:  Please can you do some short grammar tasks from the attached sheet that I have created.  You have to add a time phrase to the sentences:

Grammar Task

English:  yesterday, you wrote a part of the story and wrote a transition paragraph.  Today, you are going to focus on using speech in your story.

I would like you to use the speech bubble sheet (attached) and make some suggestions of what the boat would be thinking as it makes its way through the dark sea, the sea filled with rubbish and then when she gets broken and battered.  Think of a few sentences that might express how it feels.

thought bubbles

Can you then watch the very short part where the seagulls fly past and mend the sails.  Can you write a few sentences to explain what they did – how this helped the boat and what the boat might have thought.

Maths: bbc bitesize has a maths lesson for either year 2 or year 3.

If you prefer, I have included these maths-based challenges that you could do.

outdoor maths game

PSHE – More ideas for today are to think about how we can keep ourselves staying positive and happy.

Mrs Viner is excellent at giving us ideas for keeping well in our minds.  This is another way to do some ‘Self-Care’ to keep you positive.

Write a list:

You need a large piece of paper and a lot of coloured pens or pencils.

You need to write two columns (so draw a line down the middle of the paper)

One one side you are going to write “THINGS I KNOW”  and on the other side “THINGS OTHER PEOPLE TELL ME”

In the first column, you are going to list all the things that you KNOW you are good at doing, or you are good at being.  You could add anything that is positive and that is something you are aware of for yourself.

In the second column, you are going to write a list of all the things other people tell you that are positive.  Your parents will be telling you things all the time about how special you are, how wonderful you are, what lovely hairy you have etc.  You need to remember all the lovely things that people say about you – include your friends and me!  I have said some good things about all of you too.

Your list should be colourful, LONG and full of positive things about you.

When you finish the list – decorate the page and turn it into a picture by adding a pretty border.

Keep this and keep looking it at it.  You might persuade someone else in your family to make one too – Mums and Dads need plenty of encouragement you know!


Have a super day

Mrs Cooke.

Rabbits Home Learning for Friday 26th June

Good Morning – and it’s FRIDAY!

Time for some spelling tests, some times tables tests and some grammar tests!  (What?  URGGHHHH? But I thought you liked tests!)

Spellings:  I would like you to create a wordsearch please.  Write the spelling words (correctly!) and jumble them inside other letters.  These are all animal words so you could give the clues at the bottom with a description of each of the animals in the list.

English:  For today can you continue with the film that you watched on Wednesday but for today I would like you to write a story plan.  You need a piece of blank paper and you will watch the film again – then plot out the key points in the story.  Beginning, the next part, the way the characters develop, the key moment and then how the story winds down to the end.  Please plot this on your piece of paper using words but some sketches if you wish.  It is important that you understand the way that the story takes a journey.

Maths:  I hope you did well with the on line games yesterday.  For today I have set some maths tasks on the following links:


PWO_Age_6_7_measuring  Year 2

PWO_Age_7_8_addition_subtraction  Year 3

Project:  Final Day.

You should have some journal entries about the strange animals that you have discovered.  I also asked you to answer some questions from watching films and then to make crazy animal creatures from pictures.

For today:  The zoos in England and Wales have struggled during this lock-down as they are very expensive to run and then need to keep their animals well fed, safe, comfortable, clean and healthy.  I know that Chester Zoo and Borth Zoo both struggled with not having enough money at times.

Your task for today is this …  Think about the most wonderful zoo you could imagine – what would it have?  What animals would you want in your zoo?  How would you feed them?  How would you keep them happy?

I would like you to make a brochure, or a poster all about your amazing zoo.  You can look at the websites for other zoos if you like – Whipsnade is also amazing.

Your brochure / poster needs to tell the reader all about the variety of animals that you have – where they come from and how you make them feel at home in your zoo.

Think about what images you will include on your brochure.

Think about what is important to you about the animals – is it the rare animals?  Is it ensuring they don’t go extinct?

Have a good time imagining the perfect home for these animals.

I hope to hear from you with your ideas and examples of work.


Mrs Cooke.


Rabbits Home Learning for Thursday 25th June

Good Morning Rabbits – did you enjoy watching that beautiful horse yesterday?

Today, we will look at some music set by Mrs Hindeson.  Please click the correct link for your year group.

Music:  Please click on the link and then follow the lesson for your year group.

Music for home schooling WB June 22nd

English:  Can you refer to yesterday’s Literacy Shed film and select another question to do relating to the film that you watched?

Maths:  There are some good maths activities that you can do live on line.

Year 2:  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/24473.html  (this is the year 2 activity on matching shape)

Year 3: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/24506.html

For a more challenging task for year 3:  

Year 3: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/24500.html

Project:  Time for some more information on wonderful animals.  Today, you are going to create a game.  You will have pictures of several weird animals.  You need to cut them into 3 – heads, bodies and tails.  You should find you can do this and have about the same amount of paper on each.

Your game is to then mix up the different pictures to create some different and bizarre animals of your own.  See what type of crazy creatures you can create.

Here are the pictures – but you can also use your own.


Have Fun!

Mrs Cooke.


Rabbits – home learning for 16th June

Good Morning Rabbits

Welcome to Tuesday’s learning

Thinking Task:  I have another task for you to wake up the brain cells this morning:

How many word problems can you write that use division.

E.g.  I have 12 sweets and 2 friends to share them with. How many sweets does each person get?

English:  You have a choice, either access the BBC Bitesize or you can continue with Oak Academy’s lesson for today. Remember to click on your own year group.


Maths:  I have a different task for your today – please see the links.  Each link has several pages – you need only do one page each day – I will add the same link for the next 3 days.

Year 2 Maths

Year 3 Maths

Project:  We are looking at some parts of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  You have designed costumes for some of the characters.  Today, I would like you to design some settings for the story.  You can do this in any way you like – a sketch or drawing, or you might do a 3D scene if you are able.  You could even do a collage using different pictures from newspapers or magazines.  Use your own imagination.

The various settings for the play are these:

A palace where the Duke and Duchess live.  It is in Athens (Greece) and has a very large garden.

A woodland or forest where the fairies live.  The King and Queen (Oberon and Titania) live there and it is magical.

A Town in Greece – very beautiful with white marble statues.  The workmen gather there to rehearse a play that they are going to perform.

You can select any of the settings (or all 3 if you wish) and design these for your project today.

I hope you have fun!

Mrs Cooke