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How to Clean Your Teeth Homework

Today we have been learning about how to look after our teeth, and also in maths we have been learning about sequencing using the words ‘first,’ ‘next,’ ‘then’ and ‘last’. Your child has two activities to complete this week linked to today’s learning which they will be bringing home in a homework folder.

The first activity is a chart for them to colour a tooth each time they brush their teeth and count the total over the week.

The second is a sequencing activity for how to brush your teeth. Please complete this with your child encouraging them to use the words listed above. 

Please also continue to aim to read with your child a minimum of five times a week.

Homework – 11th January 2023

We have been learning about winter over the last couple of weeks in class. Your task this week is to complete at least one of the activities on the sheet in your homework book. You can record your work in your book or on Tapestry. Please let one of us know if you need another sheet.

So many of you are reading daily at home now as well – a big thank you to you all, it is making such a difference to the children’s progress!

Hedgehog Class Homework 16.09.21

Hello Hedgehogs!
I hope that you have all managed to find your homework on Teams this week! Please find your year group below to see your instructions for your homework…
Reception – The Reception children have all been working really hard on learning some sounds in their phonics lessons over the last couple of weeks. To support this new learning, I’d like you to log in to your Reading Eggs account (login details etc. can be found in your green homework books). Please then go on “Fast Phonics” and complete the activities on Peak 1 & 2. Don’t worry about uploading anything to Teams because I can see what you’ve done from my account!
Year 1 – In Science this week, the Year 1 children have been learning all about keeping healthy. Their learning has included healthy eating and why we need to eat and drink, why we need to exercise and what happens to our bodies when we do exercise. We also talked about keeping clean – hand washing, showering/bathing, brushing our teeth etc.
Your task this week is to complete the attached sheet “Dear Alien”. Remember, you don’t need to print this sheet off at home, you can type straight onto the sheet and upload it to Teams or you can copy it all into your green homework books. If you write it into your homework books, please take a photograph of what you have done so that I can see what you’ve done. I will then be printing this work to stick into your science books in school.
Year 2 – The Year 2 children have been working really hard on their knowledge of place value in Maths over the last couple of weeks. We’ve really focused on learning all about tens and ones. It’s been tricky but we’re getting much more confident with it now! To support your learning this week, I’d like you to log in to your MyMaths account (login details etc. can be found in your green homework books). The tasks that I have set for you should come up on your screen. Don’t worry about uploading anything to Teams because I can see what you’ve done from my account!
Please also remember that you should try to read your school reading book at least 4 or 5 times this week and you’ve got your spellings from Mrs Johnson to learn. If you’d like something else to keep you busy, remember that you can log in to your Reading Eggs account any time and work your way through the games on the map.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Farmer

Hedgehog Class – home learning 21st and 22nd January 2021

Hello Hedgehogs

All of your home learning tasks are now on TEAMS. Thank you everyone for joining us in our meetings each day and for accessing the tasks and activities that Mrs Farmer and I have put on TEAMS for you.

I am still learning how to use TEAMS myself, so please bear with me if I get something wrong! If anyone has difficulty accessing work or getting on to TEAMS please email us at school and we will try to help.

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Hedgehog Class – home learning 21st and 22nd January 2021

Hello Hedgehogs

All of your home learning tasks are now on TEAMS. Thank you everyone for joining us in our meetings each day and for accessing the tasks and activities that Mrs Farmer and I have put on TEAMS for you.

I am still learning how to use TEAMS myself, so please bear with me if I get something wrong! If anyone has difficulty accessing work or getting on to TEAMS please email us at school and we will try to help.

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Hedgehog Home Learning Friday 15th January 2021

Good morning Hedgehog friends.

Your tasks and TEAMS reminders for today are below.

If you have any questions or queries you can message me on TEAMS chat or email me at

From next week I hope to move to TEAMS for all of your lessons, activities, instructions and guidance. Please let us know of you are experiencing difficulty with TEAMS by emailing and we will try to help ready for this change, as activities/worksheets etc will very shortly stop being posted here.

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Hedgehog Class Online Timetable – Friday

Reading 9AM – Please login to Reading Eggs to complete the challenge for the day.

Morning welcome – TEAMS MEETING AT 9.25AM

Phonics – 

RED group –  Watch the videos and join in with the songs! See if you can write the letters too.

PURPLE group – Watch and join in with the song to learn the phase 3 tricky words (words you can’t sound out) Then have a go at learning to spell them.

GREEN group – Have a go at correcting some of the sentence on the sheets below. Someone has forgotten to use a capital letter at the start and for names, and a full stop at the end! Can you help them?

Full stops and capital letters

ORANGE AND YELLOW group – Play this online game (it’s free and you don’t need to login or sign up, just click on ‘single player’. The polysyllabic words you need to spell are shown on the left of the screen. You need to click on the snowflakes in the correct order to spell each word.

Maths – 

Yellow and Orange group – Watch the video here and play the games to refresh your memory about number bonds.

Today I would like you to think of the different ways you can explore and record the same number bond. Have a go at the challenges on the sheet. The answers are provided if you need them.
There are also some word problems that use what you know about number bonds to 20 to find the answer. Don’t forget, you can use pasta, buttons or paper clips as counters to help you work out the answer. If you find this easy, please make up your own number bond word problems to 30 and see if someone at home can solve them. Make sure you know what the answers should be!

Green group – Watch the video here and play the games to refresh your memory about number bonds.

Then play the number bonds bus game with someone at home. The instructions are on the sheet. Remember, you can stop when you get to your square on the board and use 20 ‘counters’ to help you find the answer. For example if you landed on the number 14, take 14 counters away from your 20 and see how many are left. That is your answer. So it would be 14+6 = 20 or 20-14 = 6.

Purple group – Watch the video all about using number bonds to make 10

Now use the sheets below to see if you can use what you know about number bonds to solve the problems. You can draw objects and write numbers to help you find the answer for each word problem.

Purple Group 15.1.21

Red group –.Play the numbers quiz and watch the video here The use the sheets below to help you remember numbers to 5.
English – TEAMS MEETING AT 11.00AM
All children – In our story, the animal friends seem to be trapped inside a crocodile’s mouth! You can see a picture of this if you click on the worksheet below.
There were some messages hidden in the creek, and if the animals had found and read them, they might not have got into such danger!
Have a look at the messages under the picture and see if you can read them. Can you draw a picture in your workbook to go with each warning?
Write your own warning notes to the animals telling them what they might need to beware of in a forest. You can type your work on to the worksheet on TEAMS and send it back to me, or write your sentences in your workbook and put a photo on Tapestry for me to see.



On a Friday afternoon the children love doing yoga. Please follow the link to our yoga time video from Cosmic Kids Yoga. I hope you enjoy it!
On a Friday afternoon in class, the children complete any work they haven’t finished during the week. Once everything is finished, they have ‘Golden Time’ as a reward for working hard all week as we have a focus activity for the children to do during this time. So this afternoon I thought it would be lovely for you to have Golden Time, and I have put an activity below that I thought you might like to carry out – making biscuits! I’d love to see a photograph on Tapestry of your finished biscuits please. Biscuit making 15.1.21

End of day optional story  – TEAMS MEETING 2.30PM

Hedgehog Home Learning Thursday 14th January 2021

Hello Hedgehogs

I hope you have been enjoying the sessions you have had with Mrs Farmer on TEAMS this week. I hope to move completely to TEAMS very soon rather than putting the lessons here, so please have a look at TEAMS if you haven’t already done so and take part in our meetings there. You will also find the activities for each day on TEAMS.

Your tasks for today are on TEAMS as well as below…

Hedgehog Class Online Timetable – Thursday

Spelling – Please find your spellings for the week below.

CAN 14.1.21

SHOULD 14.1.21

COULD 14.1.21

TEAMS meeting 9.25AM to say hello!

Phonics – 

RED group Today you are revising the set 1 sounds of s a t i p n. Please find your video and activity here …

PURPLE GROUP – Please find your video and activity for your sound of the day  X  here…

GREEN group – Your session today is all about using a full stop and capital letter. Please find your video and tasks here…

ORANGE AND YELLOW groups – See if you can help Geraldine the Giraffe learn the ey sound here … … then colour the real and nonsense words on the sheet below. 

ey real and nonsense words



Green, Yellow and Orange groups – Please watch the video here and then complete the worksheets. There is also a challenge activity if you’d like to compete it.

Y1 14.1.21

GYO challenge 14.1.21

Red group – 

Start your lesson by watching these number raps! There is one for each number to 5 for you to sing along to today.
Then use the worksheet to count the number of objects in each group. How many are there? Can you write the numeral to go with them?
Now compare the sets on the picture cards- which has more objects? Which has fewer objects? There are questions a grown up can read to you about them too. You might also like to make sets of up to 5 objects using things from around the house, and use the question cards for them too.

Purple group –  Start your lesson by joining in with the CBEEBIES number raps for number 11 to 20!

Then use the challenge cards below to see if you can find the total number of objects in each group. Record your answers using a number sentence. You don’t need to print the challenge cards out and you could use objects you have at home to recreate the numbers in each group to help you find the answer.
English – all children – We are using the story ‘Let’s All Creep Through Crocodile Creek’ by Jonny Lambert for our literacy work for the next few weeks, You can watch and listen to the story being read here,,, Don’t worry though, it’s not bedtime!
When Shelley and the other animals were crossing the creek they had to:
  • balance on the ‘bridge’
  • clamber through the thorns
  • swing and jump through the vines
  • hop across the creek
Can you show someone at home as you can balance, clamber, swing, jump and hop? Design and build an obstacle course in your house or garden that you can use to balance, clamber, swing, jump and hop to cross an imaginary creek. You might be able to think of other words to describe the movements you make as you pretend to cross crocodile creek too!
Take some photographs of your obstacle course and of you using it and put them on to Tapestry for me to see.
On a piece of paper (or in a workbook) draw a picture of your obstacle course. You can label the different parts and write sentences to tell me about how you use each obstacle to cross the creek. Please put a photo of your work on to Tapestry


Reception children On a Thursday afternoon in class, Reception children would have ‘Child Initiated Play’. That means that the children can choose an activity from a range of tasks including those that have been selected and prepared for them. Child initiated play supports children’s development in many ways, including language, mathematical, creative and imaginative learning and developmental skills. It also enables them to learn from first hand experiences, encouraging them to choose how to use their resources and to find and put away the things they want to use.

Your child might have a favourite activity they would like to do at home this afternoon, such as lego, jigsaws, drawing or playing outside. They might also like to make a finger puppet of the characters in our story this week ‘Let’s All Creep Through Crocodile Creek’. A video to show you how you could make a finger puppet is below. Don’t forget to show me what you did on Tapestry!
Year 1 Geography
What facts and information can you remember about the UK? Make a leaflet to show me what you have found out.
Have you ever been to any of the places in the UK that they visit on the video? Have you been to other places in the UK?
On a map of the UK (one is provided below if you need it), try to find out where the places you have visited are in the UK and mark them on the map. You might even have some photos or information leaflets from your visit. If you do, get them out and have a look through them with someone at home to remember what it was like and what you did there.
Year 1 History
Can you label the different parts of the car? (sheets below) Choose the sheet you would like to use.
Find a picture of a car online that Henry Ford might have driven (such as the Model T Ford). Draw it in your book and label the different parts.
How is it the same or different to the cars we drive today? Do they have the same parts? Why do you think that is?

End of the day optional story – TEAMS 2.30PM


Hedgehog Home Learning 13.01.2021

Good Morning Hedgehogs!

It was so lovely to see more of you yesterday on our live chats. I hope that I’ll get to see some more faces today as well! Here’s your suggested timetable for the day:



Think of the three characters in the story “Let’s All Creep Through Crocodile Creek”. Make up your own character that might want to cross Crocodile Creek. What is their name? Where are they going? How will they get there? Year 1, you should write a series of sentences to tell me about your character. Reception, you can write some labels and a short sentence to tell me about your character.


Yellow, Orange & Green Groups

Use everything that you have learnt so far this week to answer the questions on the worksheet. Some of them are tricky but do your best! Please photograph the work that you have done and upload it to either the relevant file on TEAMS or to Tapestry if you are not sure how to do this yet.

Maths 13.01.2021 Yellow, Orange & Green Group

Purple Group

Use everything that you have learnt so far this week to complete the addition to 20 worksheets. You can choose your own level of difficulty.

Maths 13.01.2021 Purple Group

Red Group

Watch the video:

Draw some groups of 2 things. For example, draw 2 circles, draw 2 cars, draw 2 houses and so on.


Red Group – Log on to Reading Eggs and go on Fast Phonics. Select Peak 1 and complete levels 1, 2, 3 & 4. (s, a)

For the rest of you, we’re going to have a go at doing some small group sessions on Microsoft Teams for you today. Please do not do your phonics activities until after our online session.

Purple Group – Online at 11.00

Follow the link below, watch the video and then click on the orange arrow below to complete the activity, (w).

Phonics 13.01.2021 – Purple Group W

Green Group – Online at 11.15

Short “oo” sound.

Phonics 13.01.2021 – Green Group Phoneme Spotter Worksheet

Yellow & Orange Group – Online at 11.30

Alternative pronunciation of “ey”.

Phonics 13.01.2021 Yellow and Orange Group


Snuggle up and read a book with an adult. You could read to them or they could read to you. Just enjoy a story and talk about it. If you haven’t done your Reading Eggs activities from yesterday then please also complete these.


Wednesday afternoons are usually our PE Lesson. Complete a Joe Wicks workout like the one in the attached link or go for a nice long walk or bike ride.

Join us online at 2.30 for an end of the day catch up and story time as well.

I’m so proud of you all for the way you are adapting to our new way of learning. You are helping me out so much by listening to instructions and learning to “mute” and “unmute” yourselves when we are on Teams. What a special bunch of children you are!

See you later,

Mrs Farmer x

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