Hedgehog Home Learning 11.01.2021

Good Morning Hedgehogs! I hope that you’ve all had a lovely weekend and that you have managed to do lots of lovely things with your families at home. This week we are going to be moving onto TEAMS for our learning which I am really excited about as it means that we can see each others faces and have a chat albeit online. Please bear with us as we all get used to this new way of learning. We will be having our first video call today at 9.25am. If you’re struggling to join us, please let us know ASAP and we’ll try and help you as quickly as we can. I’ve attached a suggested timetable below which outlines our video call times for today and how you might like to fit your learning around those.

Hedgehog Class Timetable – 11.01.2021

All of your activities are uploaded to TEAMS today under the “Monday Lessons” channel but I will put them all on here as well just in case you’re struggling to access them. Again, please let us know if you are struggling to find them on TEAMS and we’ll help you remotely.


Red Group – Log on to Reading Eggs and go on Fast Phonics. Select Peak 1 and complete levels 1 & 2. (s)

Purple Group – You are now ready to move on to Phase 3! Follow the link below, watch the video and then click on the orange arrow below to complete the activity, (j).


Green Group – Follow the link, watch the video and click on the orange arrow below to complete the activity, (air).


Yellow & Orange Group – Alternative pronunciation of “e” – be, she, me. You already know “e” as in “egg” but now you are ready to learn the other way of saying it! Sort the words into two groups depending on which sound the “e” makes.



Yellow, Orange & Green Groups – Watch the video: https://vimeo.com/490879063

Complete the questions as you go along. If you would prefer to use the PowerPoint, please use the attached file. Please photograph the work that you have done and upload it to either the relevant file on TEAMS or to Tapestry if you are not sure how to do this yet.

11.01.2021 – Spring1.2.1-Add-by-counting-on-activity

Purple Group – Go through the PowerPoint and write your answers into your books. Please photograph the work that you have done and upload it to either the relevant file on TEAMS or to Tapestry if you are not sure how to do this yet.

11.01.2021 – Purple Group Maths

Red Group – Watch the video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08bzzns/numberblocks-series-1-one

Walk around your house and find 1 of different objects. E.g. find 1 pencil, find 1 chair and so on. Ask an adult to either take a photo or video of you doing it and upload it to either Microsoft Teams or to Tapestry.


We’re going to start our English lesson on TEAMS today. Please join us at 11.00 to listen to the story that we are going to be using for our English work, to join in with a couple of practical activities and for me to explain your task to you. If you can’t make it to our 11.00 lesson, please use the PowerPoint to read the story. And complete the task relevant to your group.

Red Group – Talk about how the characters might be feeling or what they might say. Ask an adult to video what you have said.

Purple Group – Children choose to be one of the animals and write a word, caption or simple sentence in a speech bubble to describe how they might be feeling or to demonstrate what they might say.

Green, Yellow & Orange Group – Children write a sentence for each animal in different speech bubbles to describe how they might be feeling or to demonstrate what they might say.

English – 11.01.2021 – Speech Bubble

Please share all of your work with us by uploading a picture of it to either Microsoft Teams or to Tapestry if you’re not sure how to do this yet.

Afternoon Activities

Reception – Think of some questions that you would like to find out the answer to about Transport this term. Ask an adult to share these questions with me on Tapestry and I’ll plan some activities to help you find out what you want to know.

Year 1 – Science – In science this term, we were going to be learning all about materials including how to describe different materials scientifically, how to sort and group materials, how to test materials and what different materials are used for.

Collect some objects made from different materials from around your house (e.g. wooden clothes peg, plastic clothes peg, rubber, metal paper clip, cardboard, pebble, foil, plastic toy, piece of fabric, duster, sponge). Handle to objects and describe them. What are the objects made from? You could either talk about this or draw the object and label it with what material it is made from.

Go on a materials hunt around your house and record what you have found using the sheet attached. If you are unable to print at home, you can write your own headings and make a list of what you found under the relevant one.


2.30 – You are more than welcome to join us at 2.30 on TEAMS for an end of the day catch up, for the children to have the opportunity to share anything that they have done with us and for me to read them a story to end the day if you would like to.

Make sure that you take as many breaks as you need to throughout the day. This is a strange and potentially difficult time for us all and you need to look after yourselves. If you need any help with anything, please let us know and we’ll do whatever we can to help you. You can contact us via the school office, email address or via the “Ask for Help” channel on TEAMS.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Mrs Farmer