Hedgehog Home Learning Thursday 14th January 2021

Hello Hedgehogs

I hope you have been enjoying the sessions you have had with Mrs Farmer on TEAMS this week. I hope to move completely to TEAMS very soon rather than putting the lessons here, so please have a look at TEAMS if you haven’t already done so and take part in our meetings there. You will also find the activities for each day on TEAMS.

Your tasks for today are on TEAMS as well as below…

Hedgehog Class Online Timetable – Thursday

Spelling – Please find your spellings for the week below.

CAN 14.1.21

SHOULD 14.1.21

COULD 14.1.21

TEAMS meeting 9.25AM to say hello!

Phonics – 

RED group Today you are revising the set 1 sounds of s a t i p n. Please find your video and activity here … https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2yf4j/articles/z4ycrj6

PURPLE GROUP – Please find your video and activity for your sound of the day  X  here… https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvq9bdm/articles/z7p3pg8

GREEN group – Your session today is all about using a full stop and capital letter. Please find your video and tasks here… https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zv78jhv

ORANGE AND YELLOW groups – See if you can help Geraldine the Giraffe learn the ey sound here … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDruUMOtzZw … then colour the real and nonsense words on the sheet below. 

ey real and nonsense words



Green, Yellow and Orange groups – Please watch the video here  vimeo.com/490879867 and then complete the worksheets. There is also a challenge activity if you’d like to compete it.

Y1 14.1.21

GYO challenge 14.1.21

Red group – 

Start your lesson by watching these number raps! There is one for each number to 5 for you to sing along to today. bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/playlist-number-raps
Then use the worksheet to count the number of objects in each group. How many are there? Can you write the numeral to go with them?
Now compare the sets on the picture cards- which has more objects? Which has fewer objects? There are questions a grown up can read to you about them too. You might also like to make sets of up to 5 objects using things from around the house, and use the question cards for them too.

Purple group –  Start your lesson by joining in with the CBEEBIES number raps for number 11 to 20! bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/presenters-number-rap-11.

Then use the challenge cards below to see if you can find the total number of objects in each group. Record your answers using a number sentence. You don’t need to print the challenge cards out and you could use objects you have at home to recreate the numbers in each group to help you find the answer.
English – all children – We are using the story ‘Let’s All Creep Through Crocodile Creek’ by Jonny Lambert for our literacy work for the next few weeks, You can watch and listen to the story being read here,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f830yTT_MI. Don’t worry though, it’s not bedtime!
When Shelley and the other animals were crossing the creek they had to:
  • balance on the ‘bridge’
  • clamber through the thorns
  • swing and jump through the vines
  • hop across the creek
Can you show someone at home as you can balance, clamber, swing, jump and hop? Design and build an obstacle course in your house or garden that you can use to balance, clamber, swing, jump and hop to cross an imaginary creek. You might be able to think of other words to describe the movements you make as you pretend to cross crocodile creek too!
Take some photographs of your obstacle course and of you using it and put them on to Tapestry for me to see.
On a piece of paper (or in a workbook) draw a picture of your obstacle course. You can label the different parts and write sentences to tell me about how you use each obstacle to cross the creek. Please put a photo of your work on to Tapestry


Reception children On a Thursday afternoon in class, Reception children would have ‘Child Initiated Play’. That means that the children can choose an activity from a range of tasks including those that have been selected and prepared for them. Child initiated play supports children’s development in many ways, including language, mathematical, creative and imaginative learning and developmental skills. It also enables them to learn from first hand experiences, encouraging them to choose how to use their resources and to find and put away the things they want to use.

Your child might have a favourite activity they would like to do at home this afternoon, such as lego, jigsaws, drawing or playing outside. They might also like to make a finger puppet of the characters in our story this week ‘Let’s All Creep Through Crocodile Creek’. A video to show you how you could make a finger puppet is below. Don’t forget to show me what you did on Tapestry!
Year 1 Geography
What facts and information can you remember about the UK? Make a leaflet to show me what you have found out.
Have you ever been to any of the places in the UK that they visit on the video? Have you been to other places in the UK?
On a map of the UK (one is provided below if you need it), try to find out where the places you have visited are in the UK and mark them on the map. You might even have some photos or information leaflets from your visit. If you do, get them out and have a look through them with someone at home to remember what it was like and what you did there.
Year 1 History
Can you label the different parts of the car? (sheets below) Choose the sheet you would like to use.
Find a picture of a car online that Henry Ford might have driven (such as the Model T Ford). Draw it in your book and label the different parts.
How is it the same or different to the cars we drive today? Do they have the same parts? Why do you think that is?

End of the day optional story – TEAMS 2.30PM


Hedgehog home learning 8th January 2021

Hello Hedgehogs!

Hopefully we will begin today with a TEAMS meeting at 9am so that we can all say hello to one another.

I hope you had a good day yesterday and enjoyed the tasks I set for you. Remember, as long as you are trying your best I will be very pleased! We know that learning at home is very different to learning at home, so try not to worry if you’re not sure or can’t do something. I’m still here to help so please ask your parents to let me know if you’re struggling. All of the activities are there for your parents to support you with, and they can adapt them to suit you and your needs if they would like to.

Please find below your tasks and activities for today. If you need a workbook to do these in please let us know and we will put one out for you to collect from school.  You DO NOT need to print the worksheets, all of the activities can be done using the sheets as a guide and then do the work in your book. If you can put some photos on to Tapestry for me to see what you have been doing that would be wonderful!

You can email me on a Thursday and Friday too if you need anything explaining – johnson.s@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk.

Keep safe and see you soon!

Mrs Johnson


In our book of the week, we are finding rhyming words and making lists of other words that rhyme with them too.

Can you make a list of words that rhyme? How many words can you think of for each list? They can be real or nonsense words, as long as they rhyme with the first word in the list!

Red group – please do cat, dog and pen on page 1.

Purple Group – please do pages 1 and 3.

Green group – please do pages 2 and 4.

Rhyming words activity

Yellow and Orange Group – You have a rhyming word jigsaw today. You might also like to make a list of other words which rhyme with each piece. Rhyming word jigsaw


Red Group – Please practice forming your numbers to 5 Numbers to 5 formation

Purple Group – Our work today is all about finding ‘one more’.Play this game using a dice and a coin for a counter. You can make it harder by using two dice and adding dots to each square to create bigger numbers! One More Than Game

Green group – Use the blank and shaded number sticks to help find different ways of making 20. The final sheet is for those children who would like a challenge!

Number bond sticks to 20

Orange and Yellow Group – Can you find the number bonds to 20 using the part part whole model? The whole is 20, and one part has been given to you. Can you find the other part so that the whole is 20? If you would like a challenge, there is an extension sheet too.

Part part whole number bonds to 20


Red Group – Please practice writing your name and learn about the letters in it and the sounds they make.

Purple Group – Can you read these nonsense words? Phase 2 nonsense words

Green group – Sort the ‘er’ words in to real words and nonsense words Phase 3 er words

Yellow and Orange Group – read the words and see if you can break each word down into smaller parts (syllables) for example thundering is thun, der and ing  Polysyllabic words


In history we are going to be finding out about Henry Ford. In your work this week, can you find some pictures of Ford cars? Either draw them or print some out to glue in your workbook. Look at this information about Henry Ford. Afterwards, can you tell an adult something you remember about him and what he did?

Who was Henry Ford


We are going to be finding out about North America over the next few geography lessons. Using a globe, map or the internet, can you find North America? Where is it? Where is it near? Is it big or small? Have you heard of any of the big cities there, or any famous American people?

Is North America where you live? Can you find England on a map or globe? Make a little booklet to show where you live. You can include the name of your country (UK and England), roughly where abouts you are in that country (i.e Shropshire). Draw a picture of your house and say what the name of the town/village you live in is called. Draw a picture of the people you live with and say who they are. You can use this booklet if you would like to. Where am I on the map


Choose a lovely book and snuggle up with an adult or your favourite teddy/doll. Share the book together and talk about what happened in the story. Look carefully at the pictures – what is happening in each picture? Can you use them to retell the story in your own words? Choose five words from the story and learn to read them by sounding out, or know if they are tricky words and cannot be sounded out.


Hedgehog spellings 7th January 2021

Hello Hedgehogs

Your spellings for the week are at the bottom of this page. You can use the sheet provided to practise your words, but don’t forget that you can have fun learning the words at home too. Here are a few ideas…

• Pairs: Create a double set of the words your child is finding tricky. Pick up two cards at a time until they find a pair. Can they verbally spell it out to you?

• Flip, Read, Letters and Write: Your child can learn their spellings in 4 quick steps. Have the child flip over a card, read it, spell out the letters and then write it down.

• Trace, Copy, Recall: Fold a piece of paper into three columns and label them trace, copy and recall. Write the word in the first column and have your child trace it. Next, get them to copy the word in the next column by looking back at the letters. Finally, get them to fold and hide the first two columns and practise writing the word in the final column.

• Pocket Cards: Make small cards to keep in your pocket or bag and when you are walking to school, making breakfast or sitting in the park ask your child to spell the words to you.

• Spelling Word Race: Create two teams with a player from each team taking the ‘pen’ at a time. Someone calls out the word and the two players race to write the word first.

• Spelling Puzzle: Make a home-made puzzle by writing the words in large on a piece of card. Get your child to cut it up and then can they piece it back together again?

• Stairs: Write the words as if they are stairs, adding one letter each time: S, Sp, Spe, Spel, Spell

• Chalk: If you have any chalk (and don’t mind getting your patio or the pavement a bit messy) get your child to write the words on the ground and then the rain will wash it away.

• Water Paint: Use water and a paintbrush to water paint the spelling words. On a sunny day the words disappear quickly so they need to paint fast! With a computer or tablet:

• Type it out: Open up a document to type on. Call out the word for your child to spell. They can then play around with the word; increase the font size, change the colour etc.

• Voice record: Using a recording device have your child spell out the word and get them to listen back.

CAN group – CAN 7.1.21

SHOULD group – SHOULD 7.1.21

COULD group – COULD 7.1.21

Hedgehog home learning 7th January 2021

Hello Hedgehogs!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday and that Santa came to your house. He very kindly gave me a new bike so I have been whizzing around the lanes in the holiday (wearing my helmet of course!).

I am missing being in class with you all but I’m sure we will all be back together again soon and hopefully I will be able to work my computer properly and see you all using TEAMS for some of your activities with me next week. I am hoping to do a ‘trial’ tomorrow morning at 9am with you all, so listen out for your TEAMS ring!

Please find below the tasks and activities for today. If you need a workbook to do these in please let us know and we will put one out for you to collect from school. You DO NOT need to print the worksheets out unless you want to – all of the tasks could be done using the sheets online as a guide but your writing in your book. It would be lovely to see what you do, so please put some pictures of your work on Tapestry if you can.

You can email me on a Thursday and Friday too if you need anything explaining – johnson.s@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk.

Keep safe and see you soon!

Mrs Johnson


Earlier in the week you thought about where you would go on a journey.Today I would like you to think about how you might travel there and what you would see when you arrived. Imagine what the journey would be like and the things you would see, hear, feel, smell and maybe taste on the way, as well as when you arrive. Draw a picture and record your sentences in your workbook or on the sheet. Don’t worry about spelling every word correctly, if you aren’t sure about how to spell a word just write the sounds you can hear in the word. Remember to leave a space between each word and older Reception and Year 1 children should start each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop. Year 1 children should also think carefully about using the correct spelling patterns they know in words too. Choose one of the sheets below (some are lined, some not etc).

How would you travel on your journey

Now choose some words from your writing that you use a lot in your every day writing, common words like went, go, the or maybe some a bit harder. Ask a grown up to show you how to spell them and try to remember them for next time!


Red group – Sort the picture cards in to the correct place on the chart. Can you read the numerals? here are the Red Group 7.1.21 picture cards and the chart is here Red Group 7.1.21

Purple Group – Today we are comparing sets of objects. Use these sheets for your task today.  Compare Groups of Objects

Green Group – using Page 2 of the document below, explore the different ways you can make 20. You can use the worksheet but you can also work practically. Get two plates and 20 pieces of pasta. How many different ways can you share the pasta between two plates? Can you record your findings, for example 12 on one plate and 8 on the other is 12 + 8 = 20. Remember, you can swap the digits around too, so 8 + 12 = 20 as well!

Green group 7.1.21 DO PAGE 2

Yellow and Orange Group – Using page 3 of the document below, explore the different ways you can make 20. You can use the worksheet but you can also work practically and make it a little more challenging if adding two numbers is a bit easy. Get three plates and 20 pieces of pasta. How many different ways can you share the pasta between three plates? Can you record your findings, for example 12 on one plate, 2 on another and 6 on the other is 12 + 2 + 6 = 20. Remember, you can swap the digits around too, so 6 + 2 + 12 = 20 as well!

Yellow and Orange groups 7.1.21 DO PAGE 3


Red group – sort the pictures into the correct box depending on the sound they begin with. You can also collect real objects from around the house that start with one of the sounds s a t i p n.

satipn matching game

Purple Group – Print out the words (or ask a grown up to write them on pieces of paper for you). Ask someone to hide them around the house and look for them together. If you can read them, you can keep them and get one point for each correct word. How many points will you get? Phase 2 Tricky Word Cards and  Phase 3 Tricky Word Cards

Green group – Your sound today is ‘er’.

er words – real and nonsense

Find and write the er words

Yellow and Orange Group – Sort the words into groups depending on the sound the ‘ou’ makes in the word.

ou sorting game

Then make your own roll and read game to play using ‘ou’ words.

blank ou roll and read


Mr Butler says ‘hello Hedgehogs’! He has sent you a music lesson to do at home this week.


Hedgehogs have all played these musical games before and are really really good at them:

https://youtu.be/dHxHNEQ84Cg (8 4 2 1 game)

https://youtu.be/M-rFGq2dHwk (coordination funk game)

In the video below, Mr Butler meets a friend of his, Gabriella.

Gabriella is very interesting because her job is to travel around the world and play ukulele and sing. In this video, Gabriella plays some songs and talks about the skills that she has that helped her become a really great ukulele player.

https://youtu.be/KhoidnqLUT4 (YouTube Link)

Children have a choice of activity after watching the video: they can either write Gabriella a letter to ask her any questions that they might have, or they can design a fantastic ukulele to send Gabriella as a thank you.

Mr Butler activities 7th January 2021


Your spellings for the week have been published in a separate post today (Thursday).

Hedgehog children at home

Hello Hedgehogs at home.

Everything you need for yesterday today  has been sent home already, but just in case you aren’t sure, here are your tasks…

Write a list of words to describe the different Christmas things, such as tinsel. Little lists have been provided for you to do this.

Maths is Christmas addition and subtraction. Follow the code to colour your answers and see what pictures appear!

Phonics is all about unscrambling the words to help the elf label the presents correctly. The second sheet is colouring the picture according to the sound and colour code. Instructions are at the top of both sheets.

In music we will be singing Christmas carols – why not hold your own performance and sing your favourite carols to someone at home?!

We are holding a special Christingle in school on Thursday afternoon. You can find out about what a Christingle is here https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/how-you-can-help/fundraise-and-events/christingle/what-is-christingle. Have a go at making your own Christingle at home.

We are decorating some salt dough tree decorations to take home in art. You can find out how to make and decorate some yourself here https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/salt-dough-ornament-recipe/.

On Friday afternoon we will be watching a Christmas movie and playing games together. Choose a festive film to watch at home and a game you love to play with your family.

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and look forwards to seeing you soon!

Hedgehog children at home

Hello Hedgehogs at home.

Everything you need for today and tomorrow has been sent home already, but just in case you aren’t sure, here are your tasks…

Write a list of words to describe the different Christmas things, such as tinsel. Little lists have been provided for you to do this.

Maths for the next two days is Christmas addition and subtraction. Follow the code to colour your answers and see what pictures appear!

Phonics is all about unscrambling the words to help the elf label the presents correctly. The second sheet is colouring the picture according to the sound and colour code. Instructions are at the top of both sheets.

In music we will be singing Christmas carols – why not hold your own performance and sing your favourite carols to someone at home?!

We are holding a special Christingle in school on Thursday afternoon. You can find out about what a Christingle is here https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/how-you-can-help/fundraise-and-events/christingle/what-is-christingle. Have a go at making your own Christingle at home.

We are decorating some salt dough tree decorations to take home in art. You can find out how to make and decorate some yourself here https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/salt-dough-ornament-recipe/.

On Friday afternoon we will be watching a Christmas movie and playing games together. Choose a festive film to watch at home and a game you love to play with your family.

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and look forwards to seeing you soon!


Christmas Tree competition winners

We are pleased to share with you the winners of our Friends Of St John The Baptist Primary School ‘Christmas tree’ competition.

Children were asked to create something special at home on the theme of a Christmas tree, and we received lots of wonderful entries.

Our school Fun and Games Committee, which is made up of children from Year 2 to Year 6, chose the winners (names and faces had been removed from entries) and we are thrilled to share the deserving winners below.

Well done and thank you to everyone who entered!

Mya – Year 6
Liam – Year 5
George – Year 4
Amber – Year 3
Percy – Year 2
Caitlyn – Year 1
Phoebe – Reception
photo comp winner 1 photo comp winner 2 photo comp winner 3 photo comp winner 4 photo comp winner 5 photo comp winner 6

Hedgehog wreath making

Some of the children in Hedgehog class enjoyed making a Christmas wreath today.

We made one wreath from tinsel and another with foliage. They were easy to do (we wound the tinsel or willow/foliage) around the frame and ta-da!

If you would like to make one with your child at home, please let us know and we will send home the metal ring that you will need to get going. Simply follow our picture instructions or get creative and design your own. We’d love to see photos of the finished results.884DF8BE-2DD5-4B60-A4AF-936B2CA32A3A 0084E9F3-82AE-446E-B50A-1D957D5B260B

Friends of School ‘Christmas tree’ competition

Thank you to everyone who entered our ‘Friends of School’ Christmas tree competition.

We had lots of wonderful entries from children who have made a Christmas tree in so many different ways. We were very impressed!

The photos of the entries are in the windows at the front of school if you’d like to see them, but here they are if you are unable to get to school to see them. Please note that entries with children’s faces on are not displayed in the windows.

There is a winner from each class, chosen by the children on our Fun and Games Council. The judges didn’t know who each entry belonged to as we removed the children’s faces and names from their entries! All of the winners will be announced in worship by Mrs Ball on Monday next week.

On behalf of The Friends Of St John the Baptist Primary School, thank you to everyone who has taken part.

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