Hello Hedgehogs at home.
Everything you need for today and tomorrow has been sent home already, but just in case you aren’t sure, here are your tasks…
Write a list of words to describe the different Christmas things, such as tinsel. Little lists have been provided for you to do this.
Maths for the next two days is Christmas addition and subtraction. Follow the code to colour your answers and see what pictures appear!
Phonics is all about unscrambling the words to help the elf label the presents correctly. The second sheet is colouring the picture according to the sound and colour code. Instructions are at the top of both sheets.
In music we will be singing Christmas carols – why not hold your own performance and sing your favourite carols to someone at home?!
We are holding a special Christingle in school on Thursday afternoon. You can find out about what a Christingle is here https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/how-you-can-help/fundraise-and-events/christingle/what-is-christingle. Have a go at making your own Christingle at home.
We are decorating some salt dough tree decorations to take home in art. You can find out how to make and decorate some yourself here https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/salt-dough-ornament-recipe/.
On Friday afternoon we will be watching a Christmas movie and playing games together. Choose a festive film to watch at home and a game you love to play with your family.
We hope you have a lovely Christmas and look forwards to seeing you soon!