Hedgehog home learning 7th January 2021

Hello Hedgehogs!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday and that Santa came to your house. He very kindly gave me a new bike so I have been whizzing around the lanes in the holiday (wearing my helmet of course!).

I am missing being in class with you all but I’m sure we will all be back together again soon and hopefully I will be able to work my computer properly and see you all using TEAMS for some of your activities with me next week. I am hoping to do a ‘trial’ tomorrow morning at 9am with you all, so listen out for your TEAMS ring!

Please find below the tasks and activities for today. If you need a workbook to do these in please let us know and we will put one out for you to collect from school. You DO NOT need to print the worksheets out unless you want to – all of the tasks could be done using the sheets online as a guide but your writing in your book. It would be lovely to see what you do, so please put some pictures of your work on Tapestry if you can.

You can email me on a Thursday and Friday too if you need anything explaining – johnson.s@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk.

Keep safe and see you soon!

Mrs Johnson


Earlier in the week you thought about where you would go on a journey.Today I would like you to think about how you might travel there and what you would see when you arrived. Imagine what the journey would be like and the things you would see, hear, feel, smell and maybe taste on the way, as well as when you arrive. Draw a picture and record your sentences in your workbook or on the sheet. Don’t worry about spelling every word correctly, if you aren’t sure about how to spell a word just write the sounds you can hear in the word. Remember to leave a space between each word and older Reception and Year 1 children should start each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop. Year 1 children should also think carefully about using the correct spelling patterns they know in words too. Choose one of the sheets below (some are lined, some not etc).

How would you travel on your journey

Now choose some words from your writing that you use a lot in your every day writing, common words like went, go, the or maybe some a bit harder. Ask a grown up to show you how to spell them and try to remember them for next time!


Red group – Sort the picture cards in to the correct place on the chart. Can you read the numerals? here are the Red Group 7.1.21 picture cards and the chart is here Red Group 7.1.21

Purple Group – Today we are comparing sets of objects. Use these sheets for your task today.  Compare Groups of Objects

Green Group – using Page 2 of the document below, explore the different ways you can make 20. You can use the worksheet but you can also work practically. Get two plates and 20 pieces of pasta. How many different ways can you share the pasta between two plates? Can you record your findings, for example 12 on one plate and 8 on the other is 12 + 8 = 20. Remember, you can swap the digits around too, so 8 + 12 = 20 as well!

Green group 7.1.21 DO PAGE 2

Yellow and Orange Group – Using page 3 of the document below, explore the different ways you can make 20. You can use the worksheet but you can also work practically and make it a little more challenging if adding two numbers is a bit easy. Get three plates and 20 pieces of pasta. How many different ways can you share the pasta between three plates? Can you record your findings, for example 12 on one plate, 2 on another and 6 on the other is 12 + 2 + 6 = 20. Remember, you can swap the digits around too, so 6 + 2 + 12 = 20 as well!

Yellow and Orange groups 7.1.21 DO PAGE 3


Red group – sort the pictures into the correct box depending on the sound they begin with. You can also collect real objects from around the house that start with one of the sounds s a t i p n.

satipn matching game

Purple Group – Print out the words (or ask a grown up to write them on pieces of paper for you). Ask someone to hide them around the house and look for them together. If you can read them, you can keep them and get one point for each correct word. How many points will you get? Phase 2 Tricky Word Cards and  Phase 3 Tricky Word Cards

Green group – Your sound today is ‘er’.

er words – real and nonsense

Find and write the er words

Yellow and Orange Group – Sort the words into groups depending on the sound the ‘ou’ makes in the word.

ou sorting game

Then make your own roll and read game to play using ‘ou’ words.

blank ou roll and read


Mr Butler says ‘hello Hedgehogs’! He has sent you a music lesson to do at home this week.


Hedgehogs have all played these musical games before and are really really good at them:

https://youtu.be/dHxHNEQ84Cg (8 4 2 1 game)

https://youtu.be/M-rFGq2dHwk (coordination funk game)

In the video below, Mr Butler meets a friend of his, Gabriella.

Gabriella is very interesting because her job is to travel around the world and play ukulele and sing. In this video, Gabriella plays some songs and talks about the skills that she has that helped her become a really great ukulele player.

https://youtu.be/KhoidnqLUT4 (YouTube Link)

Children have a choice of activity after watching the video: they can either write Gabriella a letter to ask her any questions that they might have, or they can design a fantastic ukulele to send Gabriella as a thank you.

Mr Butler activities 7th January 2021


Your spellings for the week have been published in a separate post today (Thursday).