Good morning all,
Here are Wednesday’s lessons which will hopefully work! Every year group can attend a Maths lesson today now we are all beginning to get more familiar with what we are doing. For parents – I am going to stick to these times for the rest of this week and hope that it works everyday!
Before the day starts you could be participating in Joe Wicks’ 9am workout!
9.20am – all (introduction)
9.40am Year 3 Maths lesson
10.05am Year 4 Maths lesson
10.30am Year 2 Maths Lesson
1pm – all (afternoon introduction – optional but I will introduce task)
2.45pm – all (close of day / sharing – optional)
Organise the rest of your day yourselves with regular breaks.
Reverend Burns’ has sent a worship under ‘Assignments’ that you can watch today; choose a time that suits you.
Task One: Handwriting & Spellings – do on Teams Assignment if you can!
Using this week’s spelling list (sent out yesterday) can you write one sentence for each word. Remember:
- capital letters & full stops (or other end of sentence punctuation) for full sentence
- joined up handwriting
- spelling checks!
Task Two: Maths – also available on Teams
Task 3: English
Complete the task attached (I’d prefer you to use Teams and add comments onto the ‘live’ Notebooks if possible):
Task Four: RE
This term we are learning about Hinduism. Firstly, I would like you to watch and listen to this Hindu story about ‘Svetaketu’:
What is the lesson of this story? Write down your own ideas about what can be learned from this story and Hindu beliefs (there is an Assignment on Teams that you can write this on).
Other tasks:
- Reading your home books
- Times tables rockstars
- Catch up with Joe Wicks Wednesday workout
See you on Teams!
Miss Whit x