9.15am – Morning chat and register (meeting)
10:30 – Breaktime
12noon – Lunch
1:10 – Chat about afternoon activities (meeting)
2.50pm – End of the day catch up (meeting)
Y5 LO: To identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or translation, using the appropriate language, and know that the shape has not changed
Y6 LO: To describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all four quadrants)
Today we will be looking at all four quadrants Watch the PowerPoint attached and then complete the worksheet for your year group. The stars tell you how difficult the sheet will be (*=developing **=expected ***=greater depth). You must do one reasoning & problem solving sheet and one varied fluency sheet. You can mark your work using the answers provided.
You can take a picture of your completed maths sheets and attach them to the assignment by clicking ‘Add work’. Remember to press ‘Hand-in’ so I know when you have completed your work.
*If you are finding this tricky, have a go at the Y4 work about position and direction to refresh your memory.
Y4 Powerpoint – Draw on a Grid
Y6 – Powerpoint – Position and Direction
In RE today I want you to think about what you already know about the religion of Islam. It might have been a while ago since you covered it at school so you’ll have to dig deep into your memory!
Have a go at completing this circuit. You can set a timer on Alexa/Ipad/Computer for one minute for each exercise. Count how many repetitions you do for each exercise.
1. Core: Plank
2. Legs: Squat hold against the wall (backs straight against the wall and knees together, bend legs so knees are at a 90 degree angle and hold)
3. Cardio: Shuttle runs
4. Core: Arch hold (lying on tummy, hold arms above head and lift straight legs off the floor like superman)
5. Arms: Push-ups (can decide to go on knees or feet)
6. Cardio: Star jumps
7. Core: Sit-ups
8. Legs: Rock back jumps (on a mat – sit down, rock to shoulders, rock back to stand up and do a straight jump, repeat)
9. Cardio: Burpees
10. Core: Tuck hold (on a mat – sit back and lift feet off of floor in a tuck shape and balance)
11. Arms: Tricep dips (on a chair or step– sit down, hands facing forwards, lift bottom off chair and move feet away, bend at the arms and push back up again)
12. Cardio: Skipping
You can record your number of repetitions on the Circuit record sheet
Have a good day, and a lovely weekend!
Miss Horton 🙂