Well that half-term seemed to fly-by! It’s been a super-busy end to the term… Well done to all our brilliant pupils for giving us so much to celebrate.
Coronation Fun Run – grand total
We are delighted to announce that the grand total raised from the sponsored fun was £1,381!
This is an absolutely amazing amount to have raised in our small school and warrants a massive thank you to all the children who took part and their families for collecting all that sponsorship money; they’ve done such a fantastic job. With gift aid, this figure will pass £1,500. The far exceeds previous years totals too. We have raised enough to fund the balance bikes and mini scooters as well as the new outdoor play equipment! Great job everyone!
Crucial Crew
The Year 6s enjoyed another great day out on Monday as they participated in ‘Crucial Crew’, an event which has been running for 28 years with an aim that the children receive social awareness and safety training as a means of teaching them essential life skills. The Year 6s had a great day and loved their new (traditionally rather large!) t-shirts.
Here are all our usual Weekly Celebrations too:
Acorn Awards (earning House Points with two pupils chosen per class; awarded by teachers for class-based work / learning attitudes):
Harry– For producing some brilliant writing
Lexie – Super imaginative with her writing
Arthur – for always being a great role model as a Year 6
Mia– for always smiling, wanting to help and just being a good egg!
Callum– for great reading and listening
Thalia– for always trying her best
Bumblebees Star of the Week
Congratulations to Jasmine for achieving Star of the Week this week for always trying her best.
Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)
Plus an extra winner in Rabbit Class as they had the most tickets this week 👏
Swimming Awards
There have been some super swimmers this week:
Seren achieved her 50m Distance Badge…
Lucy achieved her 800m Distance Badge…
Well done both of you!
Dance & Drama Star!
Aoife was very proud to share her ‘Rising Star’ certificate from the Pheonix Acadamy for performance… We think we’ll need to get your autograph soon!
Half-term ‘Happy Birthdays!’
We wished Maia and Aoife the happiest of birthdays during our half-term…
Star-dancer Brooke!
We were so proud to hear of Brooke’s latest achievements in dance. She showed us her ‘excellence’ trophy and also an award where she competed against 180 other dancers and won one of 15 awards which were distributed. This is incredible Brooke – we are all very proud and inspired by you.