Dragonfly Class – Tuesday 12th January

We will be meeting again on Teams today and you should have received invites to the following meetings:

9.20am – all (introduction)

9.40am Year 3 Spelling Test & Maths lesson

10.10am Year 4 Spelling Test & Maths lesson

10.40am Year 2 Spelling Test

1pm – all (afternoon introduction – optional but I will introduce Science task)

2.45pm –  all (close of day / sharing – optional)

Organise the rest of your day yourselves with regular breaks. Year 3 and 4 – remember that you are having a taught maths session so save your maths until then!

Task One: Handwriting & Spellings

1. Learn this week’s spelling list below (recommended learning time 20 minutes). See how many you already know first, then learn ones you don’t.

2. Print the spelling sheet if you can to practise your handwriting by copying each word / letter join carefully. Think about the size of each letter too! Take your time to improve your writing.

Year 1 Week 2

Year 2 Week 2

Year 3 Week 2

Year 4 – Week 2

Task two: Maths

Today you are all looking at the ‘Reasoning’ parts of the tasks… Year 3 and 4 – remember you will be having a live teach with me!

Year 2 PPT-Make-Equal-Groups-Sharing

Year 2 Reasoning Task

Year-3 PPT-Multiply-2-Digits-by-1-Digit-1

Year 3 Reasoning Task

Year-4 PPT-Factor-Pairs

Year 4 Reasoning Task

Task 3: English

Thank you for sending me your brilliant writing over the past week. Today you have a grammar session, see the links below. Remember: work through the Powerpoint ideas and answers first, then have a go at the Task.


Year 2 Grammar PPT – Writing Lists

Year 2 Task

Year 3 Grammar PPT – Consonants

Year 3 Grammar Task

Year 4 Grammar PPT – Fronted Adverbials

Year 4 Task

Task Four: Science

If you can, open this on your Teams ‘Daily Tasks’ page as you can write on it and I can mark it!

What is a force?

Other tasks:

  • Reading your home books
  • Times tables rockstars


See you on Teams!

Miss Whit x