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Dragonfly Class Homework 29.9.22

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


As part of our art topic on collage, we have been looking at the work of artist Margaret Godfrey and her pieces showing volcanoes.  We will be making our own volcano inspired collage so please look at home to find any bits of paper, card, fabric, plastic etc that you would like to use in your piece of artwork.  Please bring in your materials on or before Wednesday 5th October and leave them in your tray.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 5th October.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Class Homework 22.9.22

Times Tables:

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.


As part of our topic on mountains, we would like you to find out some facts about Mount Everest.  You could make a fact file or draw a picture and add some facts.  Please bring your research into school, upload onto TEAMS or email school.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 28th September.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.


Dragonfly Class Homework 15.9.22

Times Tables:

We are continuing our focus on times table knowledge in class.  This is for two reasons: firstly, pupils are expected to know all tables facts up to 12 x 12 fluently by the end of Year 4 and secondly, they will find so many aspects of maths easier with a quicker recall of these facts.  Therefore, we will be completing activities in school as well as sending weekly sheets looking at times tables and related division facts.  The system that we use has graded sheets starting at the 5 times tables which the Year 3 children will have looked at in Year 2.  Children will move onto the next sheet up when they have achieved full marks in school on the sheet that they have practised at home.  There will not be a time limit on completing the sheets in school.  TTRockstars is also excellent for practising times tables and can be used at anytime at home.  Logins details are in your child’s homework book.

Year 4 will continue from the stage that they were on at the end of last year.

Year 3 will begin this system in the coming weeks and in the meantime, will complete activities revising the 2, 5 and 10 times tables in preparation.

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book.

Your homework is due in on Wednesday 21st September.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Lloyd-Jones.



Dragonfly Class Homework 7.7.22

Year 3 and 4 homework:

Wind in the Willows song words

On Thursday next week, Key Stage 2 will be performing ‘The Wind in the Willows’ so this week we would like you to make sure that you have learned the words for the songs that you have practised during your music lessons plus any lines that you have been given.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Dragonfly Class Homework 30.6.22

Times Tables

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 6th July.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 6th July.


Last week, we began looking at different types of chairs to start off our new DT topic.  You all had so many great ideas to improve the examples that we looked at that so this week, we would like you to draw a design for a new chair.  Think about who the chair is for so that you can adapt your design to suit them.  What colour will it be?  What will it be made of?  It could have all sorts of handy gadgets too!  Good luck!

Please bring in your homework by Wednesday 6th July.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Dragonfly Class Homework 23.6.22

Times Tables

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 29th June.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 29th June.


Our new topic in Science is sound so this week, we would like you to complete the sound survey below.  You could do it at home or when you are out and about such as on a walk.

sound survey

Please bring in your homework by Wednesday 29th June.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Dragonfly Class Homework 16.6.22

Times Tables

Please complete the times table sheet given out in class and return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 22nd June.


Complete the spelling sheet in your neatest handwriting and  return it to school stuck in your homework book by Wednesday 22nd June.


As it is Arts Week, this week we would like you to create a piece of artwork.  It can be anything at all: a painting, a drawing, a sculpture, a piece of art using a computer programme, something made of recycled materials or any other medium of your choice.  Be as creative as you like!  We can’t wait to see what you produce.

Please bring in or upload a photo of your homework onto TEAMS by Wednesday 22nd June.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


Dragonfly Class Homework 8.6.22


Next week is Arts Week and our theme is the country of India.  In preparation, please find some facts out about it.  For example, you could find out what continent it is in, the different languages spoken there, the main religion/s, famous landmarks, famous people that have come from India.  You do not need to do lots of writing, but jot down some ideas in your homework book ready for next week.

Please bring your facts in for Monday 13th June.

Year 4, please feel free to complete the research task if you have time; I know you are away for most of this week and may be very tired this weekend!

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Hollis or Miss Horton.


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