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Happy New Year!

Welcome back Dragonflies I hope you all had a lovely break over Christmas and the New Year!

Our topic this term is Rivers and Canals – have a look at our Topic web to see what we will be learning about this term. spring 2025 Topic planner Dragonfly class

Below is our timetable to see what we’ll be getting up to each day!

Dragonflies timetable spring

We will continue to have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays this term so please come in the appropriate PE kit for those days.

Home work will continue to be given out on Wednesdays and is expected to be handed in the following Wednesdays when we will also have our spelling test.

Please find the knowledge organisers for subjects this term in the document below.  The knowledge organisers will tell you what the children will be learning and some key vocabulary they will encounter this term. I hope you find these helpful!

Dragonfly class spring Knowledge organisers

Feel free to catch me on the gate if you have any questions or queries!


Miss Hindley

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