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Welcome back to both new and returning Dragonflies! I hope you have had a fantastic summer, full of fun, and hopefully some sun?!
I’m super excited to be starting off a new term with you all and I’m really looking forward to seeing what adventures we get up to this year!

This is our timetable for this term: Dragonflies timetable autumn 1

PE this term will be on a Monday and Tuesday- please come dressed in the correct clothing for PE.

Homework will be handed out on Wednesdays and will be handed in the following Wednesday. As part of the homework, children will given spellings that they must learn to be tested on on Wednesday mornings. Practising times tables on TT Rockstars will also be expected as part of the homework.

Reading diaries are to be brought into school every day and will be checked weekly that children are reading at home at least 3 times a week.

Below is an overview of the topics we will be covering this autumn term

Autumn 2024 Topic planner Dragonfly class 

Please find the knowledge organisers for subjects this term below.  The knowledge organisers will tell you what the children will be learning and some key vocabulary they will encounter this term. I hope you find these helpful!

Dragonflies – Computing systems and networks—

Connecting computers


KS2 – Ancient Egypt

LKS2 – What is it like to follow God

Magnets and forces Dragonflies

Dragonflies Light

Henry Moore Dragonflies

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to pop to see me on the gate!

Miss Hindley

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