Good morning everyone!
I hope you’ve all had a restful weekend. I’ve had a very funny one! A little while ago I bought Briar a present for her 5th birthday (because doggy birthdays are important too!). This weekend we’ve had great fun using it.. it’s a doggy trailer for my bike! It attaches to my bike and I can take her with me. Today we bumped into Katie and her family on our travels who saw our very happy dog wind-surfing her way around the back lanes. I have to admit, it’s a bit heavy to pull her up the hills but it’s a fab work-out! Plus, it made a lot of local people smile…!
I’ve had a catch-up with Mrs O too – she sends all of you her love and is missing the fun and laughter of our classroom very much. I certainly can’t wait to be back in the classroom with Mrs O!
Here’s todays learning activities:
- Reading: Hopefully your are all enjoying daily reading of some sort everyday. As an extra, check out this activity – it features one of my favourite poems as a child!
Challenge: Could you rewrite the poem in your own words?!
- Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.
3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths and complete the tasks for Summer Term Week 2.
Remember – if you find it too tricky (or easy!) feel free to try the daily lesson from a Year 3 (or Year 5/6) page. This is completely fine to do 🙂
4. English:
Access and follow the Bitesize links below (or spend time on your poem from the reading acivity!)
Other ideas for Monday:
- PE: 9am Joe Wicks workout. Also, improve your Standing Long Jump through these links:
- Languages: French Supermovers – Try out this fun task!
- TT Rockstars: The Inter House Tournament Round 4 begins! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.
Have a great Monday,
Miss Whit 🙂