Home Learning 7.10.20

Morning, here are today’s tasks:

*English – To finish off our topic, we are writing a travel blog about a visit to Niagara Falls.  The purpose of the blog is to persuade people to visit the falls.  I have attached a list of features that I would like to see in your writing – all of which we have looked at across the unit in school.  As inspiration, I have included a section of a ‘Lonely Planet’ guide below to get you started.

‘Welcome to Niagara Falls – an unstoppable flow of rushing water surges over the arcing fault in the riverbed with thunderous force. Great plumes of icy mist rise for hundreds of metres as the waters collide. Thousands of onlookers delight in the spectacle every day, drawn by the force of the current and the hypnotic mist.’

travel blog features

*Maths – Take a look at the PowerPoint and worksheets for your Year group.  Each year group’s section has a teaching PowerPoint to work through first, 2 worksheets (3 levels of difficulty – developing, expected and greater depth) and the answers.  Remember that you only need to complete one level for each area – VF (varied fluency) and RPS (reasoning and problem solving).







*Reading – make sure that you are reading your book daily for at least 10 minutes.

Record your work in the book sent home from school and please send in copies of your work for us to respond to.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis