Lily, Ffion and Billy led Friday’s assembly with a Children in Need theme.
School Values & Awards
Jessie S : Perseverance in learning spellings and seeing improvements every week
Owen : Perseverance and keeping going to meet a personal goal
Andreas : for good work in class
Tyler : showing respect in class
Lowri : writing a fab Haiku English
Bonnie : Good fact topic work
Noah (H) : awarded by Lily S for showing respect, perseverance and friendship in Jumping Jaxx “such a great session”
Lily F : for kindness and recognising someone in need
Sam M : for responsibility and thoughtfulness in helping others
Dan : showing friendship to everyone
Anouk : perseverance and determination in assessment week
Harvey D : perseverance
Percy : for a smiley attitude
Children in Need Daily Ten Work-out
In our support of Children in Need, the whole school took part in a Daily Ten work-out! Great effort everyone!
Bake Sale!