Worship Council led our Celebrations this morning.
Acorn Awards
Owen – for brilliant diligence every morning in setting up worships
Billy – for showing diligence and responsibilty around the school
Luana – for always trying her best in everything
Amelia – kindness, friendship and understanding
Katie – for brilliant determination in maths lessons
Abbie – for putting others first and showing brilliant kindness
James – perseverance in getting his handwriting neat
Esme – for being helpful towards others
Zac – effort in singing for the Christmas play
Bella – for always being ready to learn
Lowri – determination and perseverance in maths plus being super helpful towards others
Max CM – work effort in maths and RE
Gold Award for P
Golden Book
Congratulations to Henry for earning his 20th Award in the Golden Book!
Poppy Fundraising
We celebrated raising £97.21 for the British Legion Poppy Appeal; a fundraising effort we are very proud of.
Sportshall Athletics
Our athletics teams were congratulated for a brilliant effort at the Sportshall even last week. The Girls team came 2nd whilst the Boys team have won a place at the North Shropshire Finals! Superstars.
A huge well done to our hockey team who fought hard at a tough competition at the Corbet school, finishing 3rd! Well done team.
Gold Award for PE and Sport
Finally, Miss Whit was very proud to present the children with their Gold Award for 2017-18 from the School Games initiative. This is our gold award ‘hat-trick’! Well done to all the children for the continued effort they give to sport in our school – we couldn’t be any prouder of you all.