Weekly Celebrations – 17.1.25

Here are this week’s awards…

Weekly Celebrations 

School Value Ambassador(earning House Points with one pupil chosen each week per year group, awarded by teachers for showing one of our school values):

Year 6 Eva-Grace for ‘Perseverance’ – Eva is working so hard in all subjects. She has a great work ethic and is a kind friend to everyone.

Year 5 Isaac for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Hope’  – Isaac is trying so hard to improve his handwriting and general speed of work. He has persevered well since the start of 2025. Keep going Isaac, well done!

Year 4 Elsie for ‘Friendship’ and ‘Perseverance’ – Elsie has settled into Dragonflies really well. She is a confident individual and always tries her hardest.

Year 3 Florence for ‘Perseverance’  – Floss recently has shown great perseverance, even though she has felt unwell. She has been desperate to be in school because she doesn’t want to miss out on learning.

Year 2 Jackson for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Love’ – Jackson is a delight to have in class. He is cheerful, loving and kind. Miss Horton has also seen a huge improvement in his handwriting! Great work Jackson – keep it up.

Year 1 Memphis for ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Wisdom’ – Memphis has produced some fantastic work this week. He has a brilliant imagination and uses this to make his writing better. Well done Memphis!

Raffle ticket winners (awarded by staff for lining-up or behaviour around school)

Reading Champions

Congratulations to the following children who have read at home 100 times!

Hallie, Lilly, Elsie, Freddie and Harrison

Other Achievements…

Alfie received ‘Man of the Match’ at football last Sunday. He said he thinks he got it for his good tackling. Great work Alfie – keep it up!

Harriet has received her badge and certificate for swimming 50m – brilliant!

Eva and Magnus have both been working towards their ‘Rookie Lifeguard’ certificates. Eva has achieved ‘Silver – Stage 7’ and ‘Gold – Stage 1’. Magnus has achieved ‘Gold – Stage 3’. A fantastic achievement and a very useful life skill!