Good morning. Here are today’s tasks:
*English – Over the next couple of days, I would like you to re-write the nativity story but this time from the perspective of one of the animals. For example, you could write as the donkey that carried Mary or one of the lambs taken as a gift from the shepherds or even one of the camels ridden by the wise men. Think about how to make it more personal to that character i.e. adding their opinions and feelings. I would like you to write as descriptively as you can using some of the aspects that you have been learning about this term: expanded noun phrases, metaphors, similes, fronted adverbials and use of the senses. Take a look at the PowerPoint below to remind you about the events of the story.
*Maths – See if you can complete the maths mystery below to solve the mystery of the lost presents.
Monday the-mystery-of-the-lost-christmas-present-maths-mystery-game-_ver_7
*Reading – make sure that you are reading for at least 10 minutes per day.
*Times Table practice – log onto TTRockstars and spend at least 20 minutes improving your quick recall of times tables.
*French – take a look at the PowerPoint below: one on Christmas in France and the other some Christmas French vocabulary.
*PE – find a way to get active today. That could be an indoor workout or time in the back garden.
Record your work in the book sent home from school. Please send copies/photos of your work to the admin email address.
Have a good day,
Mrs Hollis