Home Learning 5.10.20

Morning, here are today’s tasks:

*English – Today, we will be finishing the 3 diary entries for Annie Edson Taylor that we started writing on Friday.  Remember the features that we were including: writing in the first person as Annie, examples of fronted adverbials, sentences written in the active and passive form, description, thoughts/feelings and opinions as well as rhetorical questions.  Once the entries are written, we will be editing our work; you could start that today if you wish.

*Reading – make sure that you are reading your book daily for at least 10 minutes.

*Maths – Take a look at the PowerPoint and worksheets for your Year group.  Each year group’s section has a teaching PowerPoint to work through first, 2 worksheets (3 levels of difficulty – developing, expected and greater depth) and the answers.  Remember that you only need to complete one level for each area – VF (varied fluency) and RPS (reasoning and problem solving).







*History – Today, we are looking at rationing in World War II and why it was needed.  Take a look at the information on the website below and make a note of what was rationed, how much each person was allowed and when rationing ended.  Then, use this information to answer the following questions: Why was rationing introduced in World War II?  Was it a fair system?


*French – take a look at BBC Bitesize’s French section and choose an area to practise.

*PE – find a way to get active today.  That could be an indoor workout or time in the back garden.

Record your work in the book sent home from school.

Have a good day,

Mrs Hollis