Good morning Hedgehogs! I hope you had a lovely Easter and that the Easter Bunny came to visit you.
Everyone in the Johnson house is keeping well and I hope you and your family are too. I’m sure you were happy to hear of the safe arrival of Mrs Farmer’s baby, Flynn. Once we are all back in school I’m sure she will bring Flynn and his big brother Henri to see us all.
It seems a very long time ago since we were all together in class. Hopefully you will enjoy the activities Miss Horton and I will be setting you each day until we are all back to school again.
Mrs Johnson
Fine Motor Skills
Can you make a character out of a tube? Think about what your character might be called and what they might be like. You could even make up a play with him/her to show your family!
Year 1 – your sound for today is ‘eer’.
Reception – your sound today is ‘ng’. Choose two colours, one for real words and one for nonsense words, just like we do in class.
You can also choose to do the single letter sound ‘j’.
Year 1 – please use the ‘eer’ words (Year 1) to make a list of words with this spelling pattern to learn, e.g. deer. peer, steer.
Reception – please make a list of words with ‘ng’ at the end to learn to spell, e.g. bang, hang, sing, hung OR a list of words beginning with ‘j’, such as jam, jug, jog.
Ask a grown up to test you on the words – said out loud and written down.
Please log on to Education City where you will find your classwork for today.
The answers for Year 1 children are below! Please talk with your child about why these are the correct answers – Capital letters for names, places etc. Thank you!
Reception – Your work on ‘Supertato’ continues!
Year 1 – you are finding half of an object.
Afternoon work
In Geography and Understanding the World, we would have been looking at the journey of a banana in class. We would have used the Fair Trade activity packs to help us.
Please watch the film about Pablo the Super Banana to start our topic off. You can draw a picture and make notes to show what you found out from the film about where bananas come from.