Hello Hedgehogs
Please find all of your activities for today below. Lots of parents have said that they like the phonics video’s Miss Horton has been using and so I have included this today too.
We are continuing to use Oak Academy for English lessons and White Rose for Maths as this will provide consistency in what we are setting and make sure that each lesson builds on skills and learning from the previous day or week, as well as introducing new topics appropriately.
As always, please get in touch if we can support you with these tasks and keep sending the photos in!
Mrs Johnson
Motor Skills
Find some leaves from your garden or when you go on a walk. Using a little twig, tie some string or wool to the end and see if you can push it through the leaves to thread them together. Can you use different colours and shapes of leaves?
Please watch the phonics video at the right time for your child…
Reception children blending confidently 10am
Year 1 10.30am
Reception children learning to blend 11am
Please login to Reading Eggs and select an activity of your choice.
Think about the sound you practised today in your Phonics video. Write some of the words with that sound on your ‘Look, cover, write, check’ grid to learn at home this week.
Your activity today builds on the work you have been doing earlier in the week. Please click on the link below to get started.
Year 1 https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/english/to-start-to-write-our-information-text-year-1-wk5-4
Reception – You are exploring tins of slugs today!
Year 1 – watch the video below and then complete the activity sheet.
Please choose a new activity about Pablo the Banana from the menu below.