Morning Hedgehogs!
I hope that you’ve all had a lovely weekend and have enjoyed spending some valuable time with your family. You’ve made it through the first week! Well done to those of you who managed to complete the home learning tasks last week. For those of you that didn’t manage to get round to it, I’ve set each activity up online so that it is published for 2 weeks – just in case!
Here are today’s suggested home learning tasks…
Reception – Please choose 2 ladder letters to practise…
Year – Please practise writing the following words… ask, friend, school, push, pull
Remember to use joined up handwriting if that is what you usually do!
Everyone’s phonics activities for today are set up on Education City.
Everyone has reading activities set up on Reading Eggs. If you are in Year 1 remember that you will need to click on Reading Eggspress to access your comprehension work.
This week we would have been doing some division work. Your activities for today are set up on Education City.
To keep your writing skills sharp I’d like you to write a diary of what you have been doing today please.
We started planning this in school but unfortunately we didn’t get round to actually finding out so… Investigate what would be the best material to fix a broken umbrella with.
The forecast isn’t quite as warm and sunny this week as it was last week but that doesn’t stop you from getting outside for some fresh air! Go for a walk with your household or spend some time on your bikes/scooters. If you aren’t going outside today there are some fantastic free online videos to help you get some exercise. Joe Wicks has been doing some great PE lessons for you to join in with at home!
Remember that we’ve also got our project grid for you to chose some activities from if you wish.
Please carry on keeping us updated with what you have been doing either through Tapestry or by emailing admin. We really love to see what you have been doing!
Have a lovely day and take care of yourselves,
Mrs Farmer