Hedgehogs Home Learning Friday 19th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs

Please find all of tomorrow’s activities below. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Fine Motor Skills

Please choose an activity from the grid.

FMS activity grid


Reception children have two lessons each day. The first is at 10am for those children who are learning to blend sounds together. The second is at 11am and is aimed at Reception children who can blend confidently.

Year 1 children, your lesson is at 10.30am.



Please choose some new words to learn this week from the choices below. Here is the grid to practice them on too. Look cover write check Please practise them every day!

Reception first words to spell

Reception next words to spell

Reception hard words to spell

Year 1 words to spell

Year 1 challenge words – ready for Year 2


Reception – Please practise these words this week. The first set of worksheets are single letters and the second set of worksheets are common words. Please choose the right set for your child.

Reception handwriting wb 15th June 2020

Reception handwriting COMMON WORDS wb 15th June 2020

Year 1 – Please practise these words this week using cursive handwriting. Year 1 handwriting wb 15th June 2020


Please choose a book from Oxford Owls to read at home from the correct age group here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/


Reception – Today you will be using your instructions to build a house. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-follow-instructions-to-build-a-home

Year 1 – Today you will finish your recount. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-continue-to-write-our-recount/


Reception – Today you are making reflections. https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-5-Princess-Mirror-Belle.pdf

Year 1 – Your maths today is pirate themed! Year 1 19th June 2020 Making equal groups

Answers – Make Equal Groups – Sharing


Today Jamie is leading a ‘Peace Out’ session on Rainbows. https://youtu.be/hh58j2Yw6dg