Hedgehogs home learning – 23rd October 2020

Hello Hedgehogs at home.

Your activities for yesterday and today are below. If you have any questions or need help with them, please email or phone school and I’ll be glad to help.

Thank you šŸ˜Š Mrs Johnson

PhonicsĀ Thursday

Find some toy cars and put a label on the top of each car. Write one letter sound on each label (satipnmdgock) and see if you can park the car in the right space (the space with the same letter as the car)

Reception childrenĀ Park the cars – satipnmdgock

Year 1 childrenĀ Park the car ee igh oa oo ar or ur ow oi ear airĀ and alsoĀ Park the car jvwxyz zz qu ch sh th ng

Phonics Friday

Reception childrenĀ Phonics – peg game CVC words

Year 1 childrenĀ Roll and Read tricky words

English – Thursday and Friday

Farmers are finishing their harvest and signs of autumn are all around, Use these sheets and key words to write about what is happening in each picture (Reception and Year 1).Ā Sentence writing 22nd and 23rd October. Year 1 children should think carefully about starting each sentence with a capital letter and ending each sentence with a full stop.Year 1 children need to read their writing back and check!

Maths Thursday

This week we have been thinking about addition using number bonds and finding part of a number.

Watch this videoĀ https://vimeo.com/467771472Ā and then complete this sheet

Reception click for theĀ worksheet

Year 1 activity:

Year 1 maths 22.10.20

Maths Friday

Watch this videoĀ https://vimeo.com/467773676Ā and complete this sheet

Reception click for theĀ worksheet

Year 1 activity:

Year 1 maths 23.10.20


Reception and Year 1 – Using autumn colours, finger paint leaves on to this tree template. Can you print some leaves that have fallen on the ground too? Talk about the colours and different shades of colours you have used. Why have you used these colours and not others?Ā Finger print tree


Choose one of these books, suitable for ages 4 and 5 (ir you can choose a lower/older age range if you need to) and read it online for free!
