Good Morning Hedgehogs 🙂
Another lovely day yesterday! I did Joe Wicks in the morning and went for a walk in the afternoon so my legs are feeling a bit tired this morning!! I hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine and are having lots of fun with your families.
Reception: The ‘th’ sound
Watch the video and then see if you can complete the interactive activity.
Year 1: Alternative spellings for ‘ear’. There are different ways to spell the ‘ear’ sound. Fill in your key with a different colour for each spelling and then colour in the picture.
Alternative Spellings for ‘ear’
Reception: Practise writing 2 of the one-armed robot letters. Can you think of any words that start with these letters?
Year 1:  Please practice writing the following words: your, they, be, he, me, she. Try doing ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ – look at the word, say it out loud, cover it up, have a go at writing it and then check if it is correct. You could get an adult or an older brother/sister to test you! Remember to try and join your letters if you can.
Join in with today’s live lesson on BBC Bitesize. Today you will be learning about adjectives. Reception if you are struggling with some of the writing you could talk about your ideas with an adult or older sibling. Enjoy creating your own land at the top of The Magic Faraway Tree!
These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re starting from ‘Summer Term – Week 1 w/c 20th April’
Reception: Day 3 – Supertato
If you want to know all about the evil pea in the ‘Supertato’ story, there are a few videos on YouTube of the story being read. You’ll have to let me know which vegetable is the fastest!
Year 1: Lesson 3 – Make Equal Groups (sharing)
You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity
Extra Activity:
Have a look at this video of some musicians who make all their instruments from rubbish!
See if you can find anything in your recycling you could make into an instrument – make sure you give it a wash before using it and remember to wash your hands! Or you could have a go at one of the activities on the activity menu. Remember, if there’s anything you’d like to share then you can send it to school through the school admin address – I’d love to hear from you.
Have a good day – stay safe.
Miss Horton 🙂