Good Morning Hedgehogs!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you had some fun in the sunshine before all the rain!! I’m sure you all enjoyed celebrating VE Day on Friday, I enjoyed it (especially having some delicious cakes!!). I’ve been busy in the garden this weekend, my beetroots are starting to grow now and so are my sunflowers. My friends and I are having a competition to see whose sunflower will grow the tallest so we have to take pictures and send them to each other – fingers crossed mine wins! Are any of you growing sunflowers? Is your sunflower bigger than mine?
You’re all doing such a great job working hard at home. Please don’t feel worried if you can’t complete everything. If you are having any problems or finding anything tricky please let me know and I will do my best to help.
This link will take you to the phonics lessons.
Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. After they have been uploaded the videos are available to view at any time throughout the day.
Reception: Have a practice at writing the numbers 0-9.
Year 1: Have a go at turning these letters into monsters, can you think of a name for the monsters you create?
Today’s home learning focus will be to refresh your phonics knowledge and apply it when writing sentences about exploring.
This lesson includes:
- a game to help refresh your phonics skills
- three activities to do at home
We are on Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May). It’s a little bit different this week. Click on the link to see the video as normal, but (for Y1s) I’ll put the link to the worksheet below because they are no longer available on the White Rose website.
Reception: Day 1- The Very Busy Spider
I’d love to see if anyone attempts making a 3D spiders web (and if you manage to travel through it!)
Year 1: Lesson 1 – Add by Making Ten
You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity
Extra Activity:
Science: Classifying and Grouping Plants. Have a look at this video to see how Ivy sorts her plants into groups,
She sorts them into four categories:
With seeds:
1) Flowers
2) Conifers
Without seeds:
3) Ferns
4) Mosses
Can you think of a way you might sort the plants in your garden? For example: the number of petals, the shape of the leaf, the colour of the flower.
I had a go with the plants/trees in my garden and sorted them depending on the colour of their petals. I took pictures of plants and sorted them into a table – you could draw the plants if you like (I’m sure you’re all much better artists than me!). You can use the same groups as I have, or you could choose your own.
Plant/Tree Classification grid
Remember you can complete activities from the activity menu anytime you like.
I hope you have a good week. Please send over any work you want to share with us, it does make us smile!
Keep smiling, we’re all very proud of you.
Miss Horton 🙂