Good morning everyone,
This is our last day of our ‘school week’ this week as tomorrow is VE Day Bank Holiday. I look forward to hearing how you commemorated VE Day and hope you have chance to finish any projects from our school activity menu below.
Here are your other learning activities for today:
- Reading: Spend time reading and exploring the information page here:
- Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.
3. Maths: Complete the White Rose Maths activity for your year group. To access the related video, go to the usual White Rose page through the link below. You will need to go to Summer Term week 3, day 2 today.
Remember – you are welcome to try any level.
Year 5
Year 5 White Rose Maths – for teaching video clip
Y5 Lesson 4 Calculate perimeter
Year 4
Year 4 White Rose Maths- for teaching video clip
Year 3
Year 3 White Rose Maths – for teaching clip
Y3 Lesson 4 Answers The-3-times-table
4. English:
Access and follow today’s Bitesize English lesson for your year group.
Other ideas for Thursday:
- National Walking Month! How many steps can you walk in your hour today?
- TT Rockstars: The Inter House Tournament Round 5/5 begins! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.
Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and, as ever, keep sending us your home activities.
Missing you all loads,
Miss Whit 🙂