Good morning all,
It was so lovely to talk to so many of you yesterday (if not your grown ups!) – I laughed a lot and heard about a huge range of activities you have all been up to.
Archie started it off with a super-fun chat telling me all about the rainbow he’s made (photos to follow), plus soapbox building and bike riding. Archie could have chatted all day! Anouk has been very busy comparing pollen with her microscope and Eva has enjoyed a holiday – camping in her garden! Han & Katie have both been busy on their own projects whilst ‘C’ told me all about doing the clap for the NHS. In the meantime, a very-busy Matthew was blaring his house down with his trumpet practise (fantastic!) whilst Lowri was busy thinking what she’s going to put in a lockdown time capsule… Max has found an interesting art award which he is working towards (more details to follow). Izzy has her hands full with her new puppy (who sounds adorable) whilst Sam and Reuben have settled well into their home school routines and are all nicely busy at home. Harry has been learning to cut logs (with grown-ups of course!) and Toby completed his mastery of apostrophes this week!
Thank you to everyone for making me smile – it was lovely to hear your voices and hear your news and updates. Those of you who missed your call, I’ll try again today.
Here are today’s learning activities:
- Reading: Design a new front cover for a book you have read during your time at home. What will you change from the current front cover?
- Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.
Challenge: Owl Class have been designing word searches. Can you create some kind of puzzle for your words?
3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths and complete the tasks for Summer Term Week 2, Day 4.
Remember – if you find it too tricky (or easy!) feel free to try the daily lesson from a Year 3 (or Year 5/6) page. This is completely fine to do 🙂
4. English:
Access and follow the Bitesize links below.
Year 4 inverted commas (speech marks!)
Other ideas for Thursday:
- RE: Have a look at the link below which has some nice activities linked to creation. The artwork is inspiring.
- TT Rockstars: The Inter House Tournament Round 4 continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.
Have a great day – and don’t forget to wish a happy 100th birthday to Colonel Tom!
Miss Whit 🙂