Happy Wednesday everyone! Here are today’s activities.
- Reading: Log into Reading Eggs and follow the activities. Alternatively, spend time reading your own book too.
- Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and continue to learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.
Year 5 Summer Week 1 Spellings & Handwriting
Year 4 Summer Week 1 Spellings & Handwritin
Challenge: Can you use your spelling list in different conversations you have today?!
3. Maths: Access White Rose Maths (website) using the link below,, please complete Lesson 3. Each lesson has a short teaching clip, an activity and the answers. You could print the sheet or simply write your answers on paper or in your book (as we do in class).
4. English:
Access the Bitesize Daily learning activities for today:
Other ideas for Wednesday:
- Art/DT: Tomorrow is St George’s Day! Get creative and make something ready to display in your house or garden tomorrow to celebrate St George’s Day.
- Violins: Practise you violin or another musical instrument.
- TT Rockstars: The Inter House Tournament continues! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.
Stay happy,
Miss Whit 🙂