Well done Dragonfly class for a superb start to the new year. Miss Horton and I are so pleased with how hard you are working and how brilliantly you have settled back into class.
Tuesday 7th September highlights:
*English – I have been wowed by your word choices to describe our book’s main character and I can’t wait to read tomorrow’s descriptions of Timothy.
*Year 4 – have had their first violin session and loved it! Well done Year 4; you were fab!
*Year 3 – Lightbulb writing. Wow! Such creativity this afternoon as the story cubes that we rolled challenged us to write a story including a rainbow, a parachute, a hand, a magnet and a clock! Not an easy task but Year 3 you came up with some brilliant ideas: a witch’s spell, a donkey called Ned and a lot of time travel to name just a couple.
*Year 2 had a great session at Forest School today to help the new Year 1 and Reception children. Mrs Farmer said that you all did a great job. From next week, Year 2s will be working in school with Mrs Farmer on the Year 2 Science topics.
Finally just a reminder that it is PE tomorrow (Wednesday) and on Friday so please come into school wearing PE kits.
Well done Dragonflies,
Mrs Hollis x