Celebration Assembly 7th June

A busy first week back to school after half term….

Acorns (to celebrate special or notable achievements this week)

Noah – for quietly getting on with his grammar sheet

Bella and Skyler – for tidying up other people’s work

Bonnie – for fab handwriting and science enthusiasm

Andreas – for detailed DT homework

Ffion – for always setting a shining example, she is so helpful

Alfie – for fantastic fractions

Esme – for completing all her work

Owen – for being a fantastic helper – so hard working

Ella – super DT homework

Harvey – great reading

Skyler – super writing


Golden Book

Congratulations to Maya for achieving her 14th Golden Book!



Our Year 4 tennis team were celebrated for their brilliant effort on Tuesday at the Corbet area tennis tournament where they finished an impressive 3rd place!


A huge well done to Amber who has achieved her 20m swimming badge – what a superstar!


Baschurch Junior Football Club

Well done to Dominic who won an award for “being a great sportsman” to all other teams, Rhys for being the “bravest defender” and Liam for being a “good learner” during their matches and training for their football club. It’s great to see that you demonstrate our school values in your hobbies too!
