Wednesday 6th January – Dragonfly Class

It was lovely to speak to so many families yesterday and hear about things you’ve been getting up to. I was very impressed by how many of you had already completed much of your homeschooling too!

Here are today’s activities:

Task One: Spellings

  1. Have a practise of two of the words from yesterday’s list that you found tricky – perhaps you could write the words in different colours 5 times.
  2. Pick two words from the curriculum words mats below to master! You might want to print the word mat off and highlight / colour the words once you’ve learned them as the days go by.

Years 3 and 4 Word-Mat


Task two: Maths

Today’s tasks follow on from yesterday but they do get a little trickier.

Remember – if you want to save on printing, you can read the questions on the screen then record your answers on paper ( a bit like in-class when you present your work in books).

Year 2 Powerpoint

Year 2 – 5 times table Task 2

Year 3 Powerpoint

Year 3 Task 2 – updated!

Year 4 Powerpoint

Year 4 – Task 2 – updated!

Task 3: English


I would love to be teaching you the start of this topic face-to-face but instead I’ll have to be patient and hope you send me some great results by the end of the week!

  1. Explore this Powerpoint and think about the questions. If you have someone to discuss it with even better! So Arthur & Percy, Andy & Sophia, Elliot & india, Evan & Elsie, Amelia & Bella – you can work together at home! Wow we have a lot of sibling pairs in class…! Everyone else – see if a brother, sister or grown-up can share ideas and have fun thinking about this task with you. If you have contact with someone in class, you could even phone / Facetime them to think about ideas.
  2. Make sure you’ve filled in the plan (or create your own on paper). 

Here is a useful word mat to help you get creative for this Stone Age story plan:

Stone Age Boy Word mat

Task Four: Reading

Spend twenty minutes reading your own book from home OR use Reading Eggs. If you need your log-in for this, ask your grown-ups to email me and I will send you passwords.

Other tasks:

  • Year 4: Violin practise


  • Topic continued: Following on from yesterday’s Stone Age craft project, write an object label as if it was being displayed in a museum. Be creative! What is your object? What would it have been used for? What would it have been made from? How old would it be? What does it feel like? Does it have any special features? Where might it have been found? Remember to sound formal and factual in your explanation.

For example:

“Here is a fine example of a Stone Age knife made from flint. The knife would have been made with the bare hands of Stone Age people by chipping, trimming and sharpening. It was thought to be a difficult skill which could easily have ended with missing fingers! This knife is thought to have been made and used around 13,000 BCE in England.”

Stay warm & I’ll speak to you all soon.

Miss Whit xx