Hello there Owls!
We hope that you have all had a great holiday and can’t wait to see you in school tomorrow. We are all ready for you so here are a couple of reminders:
*Owl Class’ school day starts at 8.30am. You need to line up on the lines that run outside the hall and we will take your temperature before letting you onto the school playground to sanitise your hands and line up on the 2m distanced spots on the playground. From there, we will go into the cloakroom where you will hang up any bags/coats (we will give you new peg numbers as you arrive) and then go into the classroom.
*The classroom is set up in rows all facing the whiteboard. There is a name label in your place to tell you where to sit.
*Only bring to school: a water bottle, a coat and your packed lunch if you are having one. You will not need a pencil case as we have sets of stationary and whiteboards in your trays ready for you. We will sort out reading books tomorrow too.
*You need to wear your school uniform everyday apart from on a Monday and a Friday when you will need to come to school wearing your proper school PE kit. PE lessons will start next week.
*Our school day finishes at 2.45pm unless you are booked into after school club.
We will put a separate post up here to show you our topics for the term plus information about PE and homework.
If you have any questions that we haven’t covered here, please contact the school via email at the admin address.
Get a great night’s sleep and I will see you all tomorrow.
Mrs Hollis