Space Makers

We are so pleased to announce that we are using Space Makers at St John the Baptist CE Primary School this year!
We will be using these calming and contemplative techniques to help children build spirituality and mindfulness. We will develop skills of Stilling, Noticing, Dwelling, Mending and Blessings to assist children in navigating the world around them.
Over time we will see children taking the lead in delivering the short sessions with their classmates.
Here is some information about the scheme:
Space Makers is a resource for schools and churches from the Diocese of Oxford. Accessible to pupils of all faiths and worldviews, five contemplative practices help schools to embrace some of the ancient wisdom of the Christian tradition and, in doing so, assist children to navigate the world around them.
Climate anxiety and the vast increase in screen time and exposure to social media seem to be causes of deteriorating mental health in young people.
The ancient contemplative traditions of Christianity, like its secular cousin ‘mindfulness’, have a lot to offer at this time.