Good morning Rabbits and Happy Friday!
Today we will finish off some writing based on Little Boat. You will do some maths and a spelling task plus some music.
Spelling: with your spelling words I would like you to create a crossword. You write out one of the words and use the letters in that word to write the next one – that made no sense? Well look at the attached document (using different words) and see what I mean.
Maths: Please have a go at the maths sheets – you can time yourself to see how much you can do in 10 minutes.
English: I would like you to complete some expanded noun phrases linked to Little Boat. You can make up your own sentences but they need to have the following:
A noun (the boat, monkey, soldiers, sea)
A verb (sailing, drifting, playing, fighting, hanging, flying)
A positional phrase (towards the … behind the … from the … behind the …)
Two adjectives to describe the noun
Please also look at this attached sheet: Time Conjunctions
MUSIC: I have the links here to the lessons provided by Mrs Hineson. I hope you enjoy your day.
Mrs Cooke.
Music for home schooling WB June 29th