Good Morning Hedgehogs!
I hope you had a good day yesterday, fingers crossed for another dry day today. I planted some sweetcorn seeds yesterday, I counted 32 seeds so if they all grow I’ll have a lot of sweetcorn to eat – good job I like it! Are any of you growing anything? Let me know if you are (you might be able to help me out with my seeds!).
I hope you’re all managing to access the phonics lessons and that you’re enjoying them. If you’re having any trouble with it, please let me know.
This link will take you to the phonics lessons.
Reception, your lesson will be uploaded at 10am. Year 1s, your lesson will be uploaded at 10:30am. If you feel like you need a bit of extra practice there is another lesson at 11:00am that focuses on blending sounds. Once the lessons have been uploaded they remain online for you to view whenever you can.
Today’s home learning focus will be to be able to correctly use capital letters and full stops when writing statements in a postcard.
This lesson includes:
- a video to help you write statements
- a recap on capital letters and full stops
- three activities to do at home
These links should take you to the correct page for each year group. We’re on to Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May)
Reception: Day 2 – Hungry Caterpillar
Have fun making some caterpillars!
Year 1: Lesson 2 – Fact families – linking addition and subtraction (1)
You (or an adult) can check your answers after you’ve completed the activity
Extra Activity:
This week is a special week where many people will be commemorating VE Day. I wonder how much you know about it? As a school, we would like you to think about this special event and produce some work that can be shared – perhaps for a school display. Check out the activity menu below to see what projects you could be working on:
I hope you have a good day. Please send over any work you want to share with us, it does make us smile!
Keep safe.
Miss Horton 🙂