Dragonfly Class Tuesday 19th May

Good morning Dragonflies,

Here are Tuesday’s learning activities:

  1. Reading:  Make sure you have completed yesterday’s Reading Eggs activity then have a go at this task on Bitesize:

Y4 – Charlie Changes into a Chicken!

Y5 – Percy Jackson

2. Spellings: Access the link below for your year group and learn the set list. You could print the handwriting sheet OR present it in your Homework Pack.

Year 5 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 4 Spellings & Handwriting

Year 3 Spellings & Handwriting

3. Maths:

As I mentioned yesterday, there are My Maths activities if you would prefer this week. The usual White Rose tasks (which are brilliant for your learning) are below.

To access the related video, go to the usual White Rose page through the link below.  You will need to go to Summer Term week 5, day 1 today.

Year 5

Year 5 Lesson-2 Answers

Year 5 Lesson-2-Add-fractions

Year 5 White Rose Maths

Year 4


Lesson 2 – Equivalent fractions

Y4 Lesson 2 Answers

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Year 3 

Year 3 lesson 2

Year 3 lesson 2 answers

Year 3 White Rose Maths – for teaching clip


4. English: 


Poetic Language – Lesson 2

Other ideas for Tuesday:

  • TT Rockstars:  The Inter House Tournament Round 8 begin- your second match against each house! Play ‘Battle’ to earn your team points.


Parts of a plant: Can you carry out your own research and complete the activity sheet below to identify the parts of a plant and their functions?

Parts of a plant

Then you could go into your gardens and look at these plant parts in real life! Do all plants have every part? How are they the same? How are they different? Think about how you will present your research but remember to look after the environment.

Have a great Tuesday,

Miss Whit 🙂