Good Morning Rabbits
Thank you for sending in your work. I do enjoy seeing all the things that you have been doing.
This morning,
Spellings and Handwriting: please have a go at some of your new spellings: Write them out and then write a sentence containing each of the words. There should be ten sentences. Please see the spellings page for your words.
English: Please access There is an English lesson for today – click onto your year group. Then please do the Karate Kat game – you can find this on the year 2 page. For year 3, please click on English and the task “How to write statement sentences”.
Maths: for today’s lesson I would like you to follow the white rose maths on Year 3 are going to do a lesson on problem solving with fractions. Year 2 are using the four operations with length.
Project: To continue your work on Shropshire, I would like you to find out where Mary Webb lived (when she was in Shropshire) and add this to your map. Can you also add Ruyton XI Towns and draw a small sketch of the school. You will then need to start a new page for “Wildlife of Shropshire”. Do a title and then use the resources that I have included here to draw and label a range of insects and birds that are native to Shropshire. you can then click on any of the categories to find out more about our native animals and birds. this shows lovely photographs of birds that were found in Shropshire.