Rabbits – Home Learning for Thursday 30th April.

Good morning – I hope the week is going well for your all so far.

I have loved seeing the work that you have been doing on your Shropshire project.  More on that today please.

Handwriting and Spelling:  Can you look at your spellings again for this week.  Please copy out the individual words but make them more interesting – use your best handwriting then write them using different coloured pencils (or pens if you have really pointed pens) and make a display out of them.

English:  BBC Bitesize are offering a great English class this morning.  Please access this via the www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/homelearning.  Click on your year group and the correct day.

Maths:  White Rose maths is also providing some great lessons – please do your year group lesson today and then back to TTRockstars please.  Let’s crack those times tables!

Project:  I have included some information on Shropshire history and legends for you.  I would like you to create your own cartoon strip of the events that are explained in the pages.  (We did this to explain the Battle Of Hastings and the Battle of Shrewsbury)  see if you can come up with about 8 pictures using your best drawing and some short sentences to describe what is happening.  The legends are sometimes a bit funny – you need to pick just one of them for your comic strip.  LEGENDS AND HISTORY OF SHROPSHIRE

Shropshire Map:  with the lovely maps that you started on Monday, please add the location of the legend or historical event that you are using for the comic strip.

Reading: Please continue with Reading Eggs – I have also given a link here to a short piece of reading and some comprehension questions.  These are inter-active and I have selected the Sedna The Sea Goddess OR Nasreddin’s Visitors.  For Year 2 please do the task about Canada’s Tallest Tree.

https://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/courses/elc/studyzone/330/reading/sedna-the-sea-goddess1.htm (Sedna The Sea Goddess)

https://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/courses/elc/studyzone/330/reading/visitor1.htm (Nasreddin’s Visitors)

https://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/courses/elc/studyzone/200/reading/tallest-tree1.htm (Canada’s Tallest Tree)

Have a wonderful day!

Mrs Cooke