Good morning – Happy Star Wars Day! (May the 4th be with you)
I am sure you are all well into the swing of this now so here are the learning activities for today.
Handwriting – Spellings are on the spelling page of this website – please can you write them out in your nicest writing – three times and then show someone – let them select the best example and then write it out once more for practice.
Reading: I have set you this little reading task linked to today’s date – May the 4th. StarWars_RogueOne-ComprehensionSheet_DK
English: Please access the BBC Bitesize for your English ( I have also found this activity to create your own Star Wars character which can be printed and then completed. Star Wars Creature Creator
Maths: Please access the WhiteRose maths class for today. I have also found this fun maths activity that can be printed and completed. Darth Vader is in his Death Star
PSHE: for those of you who (like me) have never even watched Star Wars, I suggest you take a little part of the theme but think about how much people mean to you. I have made this page of stars, and I have written on names of the people I am thinking about — I could put each of your names on the stars too! You could do your own stars picture and put the names of everyone important to you on a star and make your own galaxy. I tried using two triangles to draw stars, and then found a biscuit cutter in the shape of a star so look around to see if you can find a stencil or shape to draw around. Colour in the stars and then write on the names. Stars
have a lovely day!
Mrs Cooke