Good Morning Rabbits! Welcome back to day 2 of the Summer Term. I really loved seeing the work that some of you have been doing both yesterday and over the Easter holidays.
For today, I have been looking at the many activities and games that are now on line for you. For this morning, I would like you to do the following:
English: BBC Bitesize – there is a great grammar game called The Crystal Explorers. Click on and follow the links through daily lessons to the game. It will test your knowledge of all or the grammar facts that you should know! See how you get on.
English: Can you continue your newspaper by writing a letter to the editor, (I know you are also the editor but your letter can be written as another person). You need to begin the letter “Dear Sir,” and then write about all of the amazing changes that you can see outside. You might be going for a daily walk, or you might have a garden that you can spend time in and see what flowers are now in bloom or what animals you can see. Write your letter to tell the editor all about the changes you have seen whilst being at home. Sign the letter “Yours faithfully,” and make up a great name for yourself. If you are a bit stuck – I have attached a guideline for your: Letter to Editor
Maths: I have set some tasks on Mymaths and also Education City. These are smaller and not so time-consuming. If you are struggling with any of these programmes there are also daily lessons on the same topic (fractions) on whiterose maths, many of you are having some issues opening these sites at the moment.
Reading: Reading Eggs and ReadingEggspress are loaded with good books for you all to work through. Don’t forget to read actual books! Now is a good time to see if your family have any books on garden birds or trees and plants to help you identify the species that you see in your surroundings.
Project: I would like you to have a go at drawing the globe – the sphere that we call Earth! You might like to look at these images to help you. This shows Africa, Arabia and a bit of the south of the UK if you look carefully!
This shows North and South America
See how well you can draw the image, you might draw around a side plate to get the perfect circle and then use your best judgement about how to draw the continents.
When you have drawn your globe you can colour it and keep it safe for tomorrow – We will be using it for a weather report!
Have a super day and email me with any problems.
Mrs Cooke x