Rabbits Class Home Learning For Monday 20th April

Welcome back to the Summer Term everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful Easter and were able to get out into the sunshine and have fun with your family.  Well we are back to work today and we have some great things that we are going to study while you are at home.

Maths: The clever people from White Rose Maths have put together a wonderful day by day maths class. You need to log on to https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ (for year 3 pupils) and https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ if you are in year 2.  Then continue to follow the clicks to the correct day and follow instructions to complete the maths lessons.

English: I have set up some daily lessons on Education City – these will help you with a range of the English tasks this week and will be a different task each day to cover your comprehension, writing and grammar.  Work through the tasks set for Monday 20th only please.

Reading: I have put up some new resources on Reading Eggs – we would like to start using a new reading website – if you could contact me by email I can let you have your log-in and you can start working on the new set of books that are set for each of you.

Project: As we are back to work today I would also like you to begin a newspaper of your own.  Each day of this week I would like you to add an article to the paper and you will be either writing or drawing a chart, graph or weather map.  Today, I would like your first article to be written about the changes in the environment due to the lock-down.  You can write the report with a headline – a sub-heading and then the information that you can discover from looking at these suggested websites:



Other sites show pictures of the clear skies, and clean water in canals – you might also discover something about your local environment, are there more birds singing?  Do you notice the blossom more that you normally would?  You might be able to take photos of your own environment as a picture in your newspaper.

Enjoy your research and look out for some different tasks tomorrow.

Welcome Back!  Mrs Cooke