Good Morning Owls
It’s Miss Horton here, this wasn’t how I pictured my first day in Owls class being! Most of you will know me from being in Hedgehogs last term and I did manage to pop in to say hello to you all on the last day of term…but that seems like a long time ago now.
Mrs Hollis and I have been busy trying to get our heads round Microsoft Teams this week. We had a crash course yesterday and hopefully you will be receiving your log in details soon. If all goes according to plan we are hoping to do a Teams meeting with everyone in Owls at 9am on Friday. It will be lovely to see you all and a good test to see if I remember everyone’s names!
Here are your home learning tasks for today:
Following on from the English work you have been doing this week the next lesson is about gathering evidence for a newspaper report. You will start by writing a complex sentence with a relative clause. Next, you will look at where you would be gathering evidence or information from if you were journalists writing your own newspaper reports. You will then learn how to take notes when gathering information. Lastly, you will practise how to use brackets in sentences.
To gather evidence for a newspaper report (the oak
Today, we are looking at dividing fractions by integers. You can watch the video or look at powerpoint – or both! The stars tell you how difficult the sheet will be (*=developing **=expected ***=greater depth). If you are in year 5 do the developing sheet first, you may find it easy and want to try a harder sheet. You must do one reasoning & problem solving sheet and one varied fluency sheet. You can mark your work using the answers provided.
Powerpoint – Dividing Fractions by Integers
Y5/6 – Reasoning & Problem Solving – Dividing Fractions by Integers
Y5/6 – Varied Fluency – Dividing Fractions by Integers
If you’re finding it a bit tricky, have a go at these sheets on finding the fractions of a quantity:
Powerpoint – Fractions of a quantity
Y4 – Reasoning & Problem Solving – Fractions of a quantity
Y4 – Varied Fluency – Fractions of a quantity
This term we will be developing our understanding of the importance of staying safe online. Over the next few weeks we will be writing, designing, filming and editing stop motion animations for younger children to educate them about the potential dangers online.
Today you are going to be doing some research in preparation for making your own video animations. I would like you to watch this video Jigsaw – YouTube and think about these questions.
- Why should you only talk to people you know online?
- What should the girl have done differently in the video?
- What is the most important tip you will share in your video?
- What topic will you focus on?
Your video will be for children in year 3 and it needs to be about an online safety issue. It doesn’t have to be one of the topics from today’s video, it could be something you’ve looked at in the past and think it would be important to discuss with younger children, eg: keeping your password safe.
You will need to consider the age of your audience and ensure that the content you are planning is appropriate for this year group.
In order to ensure the information within your video is helpful and accurate, you will need to do some research. Here are some helpful websites:
- ‘CBBC’s Staying Safe Online site’
- ‘Newsround’
- The NSPCC sites: ‘Net Aware’ and ‘Share Aware’
Try to make some notes as you browse – these can be typed up on the computer or written down in books, it’s completely up to you!
In this video Mr Butler describes 3 different ukuleles that he likes to play. They are made of different materials and have different musical purposes. Your task is to watch this video twice. The first time, your task is simply to watch the video. The second time, you are allowed to take notes. Pay particular attention to any specific facts or figures that Mr Butler talks about… they might be coming up in the Special Mega Ultra Important Super Fun Quiz below…
3 Different Types of Ukulele – Music and Minds – YouTube
OWLS Super Mega Ultra Important Super Fun Quiz
1. What are the names of the three types of ukulele discussed in the video?
2. Can you order the ukulele types from smallest to largest?
3. Approximately how long is a concert ukulele?
4. Why is it unusual to make a string instrument from plastic?
5. What word describes how much a note ‘rings out’ from an instrument?
6. How old is the smallest ukulele used in the video?
7. Which company made the Soprano Ukulele?
8. What material was the finger board on the ukulele made from?
9. Why was this material used?
10. What happens to wood when it gets older? 11. What isn’t 100 years old on the Soprano ukulele?
12. What 2 animal parts used to be used when making ukuleles?
13. Approximately how long is a bass ukulele?
14. How long ago were bass ukuleles invented?
15. What is the approximate diameter of the thickest bass string?
16. Which instruments is the bass ukulele most similar to?
Answers will be revealed tomorrow!
- Reading – spend at least 15 minutes reading a book today.
- Times Tables Rockstars.
- Practise your spellings
Record your work in the book sent home from school. Please send copies/photos of your work to me at
Have a great day,
Miss Horton 🙂